To Borrow Arrows with Thatched Boats
This is an episode from the Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu ordered Zhuge Liang to manufacture 100,000 arrows within ten days. Zhuge said, “Give me three days.” He also signed a pledge placing himself liable for punishment should he fail to complete the order. Zhou Yu ridiculed that Zhuge Liang was looking for self-destruction. On the one hand, Zhou Yu ordered his troops not to provide Zhuge Liang with materials to make the arrows. He also sent Lu Su to spy on him to find out what was going on. In fact, Zhuge Liang had already realized that this was a plot by room, Zhuge said to Lu Su, “Save me please.” He asked Lu Su to lend him 20boats, each lined with straw-made scarecrows and manned by 30 soldiers. He requested that Lu Su not tell Zhou Yu what was happening.
When Lu Su came again to see Zhuge Liang, he did not find anything unusual. Nothing happened on the second day either. In the small hours of the third day, Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su for a boat ride. The 20 boats were tied together with strong ropes. Zhuge's fleet sailed toward the camp of Cao Cao. A thick mist had spread over the surface of the river. People could hardly see each other on the river. When Zhuge's fleet got close to the Cao camp before dawn, Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums to fake an attack. Zhuge and Lu Su simply sat inside one of the boats and drank wines to enjoy themselves.
As soon as the Cao camp heard the shouting and drum beating, they mistook it for a surprise attack by the Zhou Yu camp. Since they could see nobody on the river, they gathered 3,000 bow men and ordered them to shoot arrows towards where the shouting and drum beating came. The front of the scarecrows was quickly shot full of arrows. After a while, Zhuge Liang had his fleet turned around to expose the other side of the scarecrows. When this side was also shot full of arrows, the day broke. Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to return to their base port. The soldiers shouted, “Thank you, Cao Cao, for your arrows.” After they got back to their camp, they collected more than 100,000 arrows from the scarecrows.
东吴与刘备联合抗曹,东吴大都督周瑜命诸葛亮十日内制作十万支箭。诸葛亮说:“ 只击需三日。”并立下军令状。周瑜笑诸葛亮是自取灭亡。周瑜一边吩咐士兵不给诸葛亮准备制作箭的材料,一面让谋士鲁肃偷偷借给他二十条船,每船三十个军士,两边扎上稻草人,听候调用。又叮嘱鲁肃千万别告诉周瑜。鲁肃又来见诸葛亮,第一天不见动静,第二天也不动。第三天四更时分,诸葛亮密请鲁肃到船上。同时,把二十条船用绳索连好,向曹营进发。此时,江上大雾迷漫,对面看不见人。五更时分,船只接近曹营。诸葛亮让军士们在船上擂鼓呐喊,装作周瑜来偷袭。无奈江上雾大看不清楚,曹操只好调三千弓箭手向船上射箭。待草人身上密密地插满了箭,天已放亮,诸葛亮下令收船。军士们高喊着:“谢谢曹丞相的箭。”高高兴兴地往回走了。回营后,把箭取下,十万有余。
Brotherhood Forged in the Peach Garden
Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25-220) China was war-stricken. After a royal edict to recruit soldiers in Zhuozhou, three heroes surfaced. One was Liu Bei, a descendent of Liu Sheng, Prince Jin of Zhongshan during the Han Dynasty. Liu Bei was sighing while reading the posted edict when he heard an impatient voice behind, “ What use is just sighing, without a man's devotion to his country?”
then the man introduced himself: “I'm Zhang Fei and my livelihood is selling wine and slaughtering hogs.”
“I do want to devote myself to the country,” Liu explained after telling Zhang his name. “But how can I help if I'm empty handed?”
“You needn't worry,” said Zhang. “I'm willing to give up my fortune to build an army and embark on this new career with you.”
While the two talked merrily over cups in a small restaurant, in came a martial looking, handsome man with a huge build and a red complexion. Liu and Zhang invited him to join them. They learned that the man was named Guan Yu. As he had upheld justice by killing a local tyrant, he had fled home and wandered about for many years. During an amiable conversation the three found that they shared a common ambition and the next day in a peach garden they swore brotherhood to heaven and earth before lit candles and joss sticks, Liu Bei the eldest, Guan Yu the second-oldest and Zhang Fei the youngest. They vowed devotion to China. Later, the three sworn brothers had successful career. Liu Bei ascended to the throne of the State of Shu in 221A.D in present-day Sichuan.
东汉(25 -220年)末年,天下大乱。朝廷发布文告,下令招兵买马。榜文到涿县,引出了三位英雄。刘备,是汉朝中山靖王刘胜的后代。一天,他边看榜文边长叹,忽听背后有人说:“男子汉大丈夫不思为国出力,在这里叹什么气?”并自报姓名说:“我叫张飞,靠卖酒杀猪为生。”刘备说出自己姓名后说:“我想为国出力,又感到力量不够,故而长叹!”张飞说:“这没什么可难的,我可以拿出家产,招兵买马,创建大业。”刘备听后非常高兴。二人来到一个小店,边喝酒边谈,正说得投机,门外突然来了一个红脸大汉,威风凛凛,相貌堂堂。刘备、张飞请他一同饮酒。交谈中得知,此人名关羽,因仗义除霸有家不能归,已流落江湖五、六年了。他们各自抒发自己的志向,谈得十分投机。
Fresh from Thatched Cottage
Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times and finally succeeded in inviting Zhuge Liang to be his military adviser. Yet his sworn brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, did not take Zhuge seriously. Before long, Cao Cao dispatched an army of 100,000 to attack Liu Bei's headquarters at Xinye. Cao's troops were at the command of General Xiahou Chun. When Liu Bei turned to Zhuge Liang for advice, Zhuge said: “Ihave to borrow your majesty's sword of authority in that I am f/afraid that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will not listen to me.” Liu lost no time in lending his sword of authority to Zhuge who then started to dispatch Liu's army for the defence.
Zhuge ordered Guan Yu to Lück and wait at Mount Yushan with 1,000 troops. Guan was not to attack the enemy but rather let them pass. He would charge at the enemy as soon as he saw fire break out in the enemy procession. Zhang Fei was ordered to Lürk and wait in the valley with another 1,000 troops. Zhang was to attack the town of Bowang as soon as he saw fire break out in the enemy procession. Guan Ping, adopted son of Guan Yu and General Liu Feng were ordered to each guide 500 troops to wait behind the slope of Bowang. They would set fire to the enemy procession as soon as the enemy arrived at the slope. Zhuge recalled Zhao Yun from Fancheng to be the vanguard of Liu's army. But Zhao was ordered not to defeat the advancing enemy but rather pretend to be defeated. Liu Bei was given 1,000 troops as the back up force.
Guan Yu was so curious that he asked: “We all go out to fight the battle. But what will you do?” Zhuge Liang answered smiling, “I will sit and wait here in town.” Zhang Fei burst into larghter and said: “We all go out to risk our lives while you enjoy your time carefree inside the town!” Zhuge said: “I have the sword of authority. Those who disobey my orders will be executed.” Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say, but they walked away sneeringly.
Since the generals carried out Zhuge Liang's orders to the letter, the enemy was routed Zhuge's first military advice truned out to be smart and farsighted. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals in the Liu camp soon came to respect the new military adviser.
刘备三顾茅庐请出诸葛亮并拜为军师。而关羽、张飞对此不以为然。没过多久,曹操派大将夏侯惇领十万大军打新野,刘备找诸葛亮商议,诸葛亮说:“ 怕众将不听我令,愿借主公印剑一用。”刘备忙将印剑交给诸葛亮。诸葛亮开始集众点将。命关羽带一千人马埋伏在豫山,放过敌人先头部队,看到起火,迅速出击。张飞带一千人马埋伏在山谷里,待起火后,杀向博望城。关平、刘封带五百人马,在博望坡后面分两路等候,敌军一到,立刻放火。又把赵云从樊城调来当先锋,只许败不许胜。刘备带一千人马作后援。关羽忍不住问:“我们都去打仗,先生干什么?”诸葛亮说:“我在城中坐等。”张飞大笑说:“我们都去拼命,先生你好逍遥!”诸葛亮说:“印剑在此,违令者斩!”关羽、张飞无话,冷笑着走了。在战斗中,各将按诸葛亮吩咐行事,直杀得曹兵丢盔弃甲。诸葛亮初次用兵,神机妙算,大获全胜。使关羽、张飞等佩服得五体投地。