



  鼻水肿 rhinedema

  蛙面 frog face

  鼻息肉 nasal polyp

  后鼻孔息肉 choanal polyp

  鼻息肉病 nasal polyposis

  上颌窦息肉 antral polyp

  臭鼻症 ozena

  厌臭症 osmodysphoria

  鼻中隔血肿 hematoma of nasal septum

  额窦炎 frontal sinusitis

  化脓性鼻窦炎 purulent sinusitis

  萎缩性鼻窦炎 atrophic sinusitis

  气压创伤性鼻窦炎 barotraumatic sinusitis

  变应性鼻窦炎 allergic sinusitis

  支气管鼻窦炎 bronchosinusitis

  蝶颌窝综合征 sphenomaxillary fossa syndrome

  鼻窦支气管综合征 sinobronchial syndrome

  鼻耳窘迫综合征 nose-ear distress syndrome

  筛前神经综合征 anterior ethmoid nerve syndrome

  鼻睫神经痛 nasociliary neuralgia

  眶上神经痛 supraorbital neuralgia

  筛前神经痛 anterior ethmoidal neuralgia

  上颌骨骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of maxilla

  鼻脑膜脑膨出 nasal meningoencephalocele

  口上颌窦瘘 oromaxillary fistula

  鼻瘘 nasal fistula

  筛窦泪管炎 dacryosinusitis

  鼻前庭囊肿 nasal vestibular cyst

  上颌窦囊肿 maxillary cyst

  上颌窦粘膜下囊肿 submucous cyst of maxillary sinus

  鼻中隔脓肿 nasal septal abscess

  鼻硬结病 rhinoscleroma

  脑脊液鼻漏 cerebrospinal rhinorrhea

  鼻神经官能症 rhinoneurosis

  鼻真菌病 rhinomycosis

  鼻出血 epistaxis, nasal hemorrhage


  鼻性哮喘 nasal asthma

  鼻石症 rhinolithiasis

  铬溃疡 chrome ulcer

  鼻坏死 rhinonecrosis

  鼻坏疽 cancrum nasi

  鼻银沉着病 argyria nasalis

  喷嚏病 apomyttosis

  巨鼻 macrorhinia

  小鼻 microrhinia

  歪鼻 wry nose

  驼鼻 hump nose

  翘鼻 pug nose

  鹰鼻 hooknose

  鞍鼻 saddle nose

  扭曲鼻 crooked nose

  双鼻 birhinia

  鼻尖下垂鼻 drooping nose

  鼻裂 bifid nose

  鼻颊裂 nasobuccal cleft

  鼻孔闭锁 atretorrhinia

  前鼻孔闭锁 atresia of anterior naris

  后鼻孔闭锁 atresia of posterior naris

  鼻腔闭锁 nasal atresia

  鼻中隔偏曲 deflection of nasal septum


  鼻中隔穿孔 perforation of nasal septum

  鼻中隔骨棘 spur of nasal septum

  鼻中隔骨嵴 ridge of nasal septum

  鼻石 rhinolith

  嗅觉过敏 hyperosmia

  嗅觉减退 hyposmia

  嗅觉丧失 anosmia

  嗅觉倒错 parosmia

  鼻塞 nasal obstruction


  鼻漏 rhinorrhea

  鼻痒 rhinocnesmus

  鼻痛 rhinalgia

  鼻上颌窦痛 rhinantralgia

  上颌窦痛 antrodynia

  蝶腭神经痛 sphenopalatine neuralgia

  额窦区痛 metopantralgia

  后鼻滴涕 postnasal drip

  鼻呼吸困难 nasal dyspnea

  鼻粘连 nasal synechia

  鼻道狭窄 rhinostenosis

  代偿性月经 vicarious menstruation


  变应性仪态 allergic "salute"


  开放性鼻音 open rhinolalia

  闭塞性鼻音 closed rhinolalia

  混合性鼻音 mixed rhinolalia

  嗅谱图 olfactory spectrogram

  嗅试验 olfactory test

  嗅觉测量[法] olfactometry

  鼻腔测压[法] rhinomanometry

  前鼻镜检查[法] anterior rhinoscopy

  后鼻镜检查[法] posterior rhinoscopy

  鼻镜检查[法] rhinoscopy

  电透照 electrodiaphany

  普雷茨试验 Proetz test


  弗兰克尔试验 Frankel test


  上颌窦镜检查[法] antroscopy

  鼻咽镜检查[法] pharyngorhinoscopy

  鼻冲洗 nasal irrigation

  上颌窦冲洗 irrigation of maxillary sinus

  鼻填塞术 nasal tamponade, nasal packing

  后鼻孔填塞术 postnasal packing

  鼻成形术 rhinoplasty

  鼻切开术 rhinotomy

  鼻甲切开术 turbinotomy, conchotomy

  鼻甲切除术 turbinectomy, conchotomy

  转门法 swing-door method

