Yeah, so, first of all, it was interesting, you throwback to HP. As 35-year HP employee, most of it on the Cupertino campus in those buildings there, obviously felt sorry when I heard that they were consolidating moving. But now that we've seen your plans, you know, the words spectacular would be an understatement, and I think that everybody is gonna appreciate what's clearly is gonna be the most elegant headquarters, you know, at least in the US that I've seen. So we definitely appreciate that the work is gone into it and look forward to working with you moving through the process.
Thank you. I think we do have a shot of building the best office building in the world. And I really do think architecture students will come here to see this. I think it could be that good.
Yeah, thank you. Council member Chang?
Yeah, Mr. Jobs, thank you very much for coming. We met the city manager and I met Mr. Cook, and Mr. Miner, and also Terri on your campus, uh, and see the concept. It's very good one. I do have question about at the time they mentioned about the current infinite loop will remain the same. The employee will stay there, right?
Yeah, we need both to hold everybody.
So now host about 8000 to 9000 people.
No no no, about 2600.
2600 okay. And then this one will hold 13,000?
12,000. That's our current.
Alright. And then my concern is last time I forgot to ask Terri about the safety issue. Because you know you have only one building and have so many people there. So all the safety will be put into consideration like fire and everything.
Oh, of course. We spend a ton of time identifying and hiring who we think are best people in the world and doing what we do. The last thing we want is for anybody to get hurt. Okay, yeah, of course, we're gonna. I mean the whole building has to be designed with pretty precise requirements for safety. But we'll do beyond those.
Sure, and then the second question is because the increase of the employment, the resident is concerned also about the traffic. So, do you have any plan to deviate the traffic?
Well, we're not increasing the employment by much .
You're not?
It's by like 20%. So we're not increasing it by much.
Also, I know you care about the air quality. I understand that you will not allow any employee smoking inside the building, right?
Correct. Both my parents died of lung cancer from smoking. So I'm little sensitive on that topic.
Sure, so, just want to let you be aware. I don't know if you're aware that there's a cement plant nearby with air pollution to this area. Are you concerned about that? Are you aware of that?
What is that?
The cement plant is polluting the air in the entire area.
The cement plant. That's the Kaise?
Yeah, 24001 Stevens Creek.
正式Stevens Creek路24001号。
I grew up about 5 blocks away from that, or 6 blocks away. So, I'm pretty familiar with the Kaiser plant. Okay, and yeah,I think it would be great of the Kaise plant wasn't there, but you know, they bought the land fair and square. So, probably they are not going anywhere. But if you kick Kaiser out, I wouldn't cry.
我从小在这长大, 所以他们的情况我很清楚。当然,没它更好。可毕竟是人家的地盘,又不能强拆,所以我忍。当然,如果你找城管把它拆了,我绝对拥护。
Alright, thank you.
Thank you, council member Chang. Council member Wang, you have a very quick question right?
Yeah, very quick question. Steve, can you give us estimate timeline on when you plan to submit the plan and when you're gonna do the ground breaking and when we can see the raw building.
Yeah, well, I ask that question a lot of our people too. We wanna submit plans fairly quickly.We wanna break ground next year and we wanna move in 2015.
2014?Okay, alright, very good. Thank you so so much and we're really honored to have you to be here. I know it's not easy to get you here. And I think that your technology is really making everybody proud and you're putting Cupertino in together with Apple. Now, we're really proud of it. 2015?
Well, thanks. We're proud to be in Cupertino too.
Thank you, council member Wang. I think she stole my question to ask you when did you break grounds so she can start collecting those. Next year, sales tax dollars from you. Exactly, exactly, exactly, but you know, when Chris and I met Mr. Jobs, you know, I found a little bit more about him is that actually he's a hometown boy graduated from Cupertino Middle school where my daughter is going, Homestead High School. So, Mr Jobs is very well familiar with the City of Cuperino. So, we're very fortunate that you founded here in Cuperino. You started to expand here in Cupertino. There're many choices across the country and I'm sure that many governors and many mayors said please come to us, but you decided to stay here and I think it's because Cupertino is such and innovative place, a diverse place, and education-wise that we have such wonderful schools here some other students on how they got awarded in our school that are doing so well. One thing that I wanna ask you is to keep in mind is giving back to the community and one thing that we would love to do. I'm sure that our staff will talk about is that we don't like going to Valley or Los Gatos for an Apple store. We would love to have an Apple store here Cupertino. And I can assure you, I even have, you know, my iPad 2 here, which I love, you know, so cooperate with me, but you know, it's a wonderful technology and my 11-year-old girl just loves this iPad2.
谢谢王委员。我想她关心开工时间,是等着明年征你们的税呢。算起来,乔总是我老乡,和我女儿是校友。所以他对Cupertino非常熟悉,他把苹果种在这里,让它生根发芽。你本来可以去别的地方种苹果,而且我肯定别的城市也企图诱拐苹果,但是你最终决定留下,因为你觉得应该与Cupertino的创新和多元化不无关系。而且我们有很好的学校,咱们这儿的学生也个个出类拔萃,我只简单提点期望,希望你们回馈社会,为社区做点贡献,我们将感激不尽。Cupertino居然没有苹果专卖店,我和我的同事们不得不去Valley或Los Gatos去买苹果,我们非常希望有苹果专卖店在Cupertino。你敢开,我就敢买,看看我手头的iPad2我的心头肉啊,iPad2是个好iPad, 我11岁的闺女都爱不释手。
Good. Yeah. The problem with putting an Apple store in Cupertino is just isn't the traffic. So I'm afraid it might not be successful. If we thought it would be successful, we'd love to.
We'll help you make it successful. Again, thank you very much for coming with me. I'm sure that you guys are very lucky to hear this very historical moment that, you know, you hear about 5 years ago, was it Chris? That you made the announcement you bought the 55 acres then you bought another 100 acres from HP. And Apple is truly the technology of innovation and our city staff and city council looks very forward to working with you and helping you succeed here in our community.
Thank you very much.
Let's give a big round of applause for Mr. Steve Jobs. Thank you.