In all this Cuban business there is one man stands out on the horizon of my memory like Mars at perihelion.
When war broke out between Spain and the United States, it was very necessary to communicate quickly with the leader of the Insurgents. Garcia was somewhere in the mountain fastnesses of Cuba - no one knew where.No mail or telegraph message could reach him. The President must secure his cooperation, and quickly. Whatto do?
Some said to the President, “There’s a fellow by the name of Rowan who will find Garcia for you, if anybody can.”
Rowan was sent for and given a letter to be delivered to Garcia. How the “fellow by the name of Rowan” took the letter, sealed it up in an oilskin pouch, strapped it over his heart, in four days landed by nightoff the coast of Cuba from an open boat, disappeared into the jungle, and in three weeks came out on the other side of the Island, having traversed a hostile country on foot and delivered his letter to Garcia - are things I have no special desire now to tell in detail. The point that I wish to make is this: McKinley gave Rowan a letter to be delivered to Garcia; Rowan took the letter and did not ask, “Where is he at?”
By the Eternal! There is a man whose form should be cast in deathless bronze and the statue placed in every college of the land. It is not book learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cause them to be loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their energies: do the thing - “Carry a message to Garcia.”
General Garcia is dead now, but there are other Garcias. No man who has endeavored to carry out an enterprise where many hands were needed, but has been well nigh appalled at times by the imbecility of the average man -the inability or unwillingness to concentrate on a thing and do it.
Slipshod assistance, foolish inattention, dowdy indifference, and half hearted work seem the rule; and no man succeeds, unless by hook or crook or threat he forces or bribes other men to assist him; or mayhap, God in His goodness performs a miracle, and sends him an Angel of Light for an assistant.
于是,他们将罗文找来,交给他一封信——写给加西亚的信。关于那个“名字叫罗文的人"如何拿了信,将它装进一个油 纸袋里并打封,吊在胸口藏好,如何用4天的时间乘坐一条敞口 船连夜抵达古巴海岸,而后消失在丛林之中,如何在3个星期之后出现在古巴岛的另一端,其间徒步穿越一个危机四伏的国家,将信交到加西亚手上——这些都不是我现在想要详细讲述的。我希望强调的重点是:美国总统麦金莱将一封写给加西亚的信交给了罗文,而罗文接过信后,并没有问“他在哪里?"
Today is our chance to say thank you for the way you brightened our lives, even though God granted you buthalf a life. We will all feel cheated always that you were taken from us so young, and yet we must learn to be grateful that you came along at all. Only now you are gone do we truly appreciate what we are now without and we want you to know that life without you is very, very difficult. We have all despaired at our loss over the past week and only the strength of the message you gave us through your years of giving has afforded us the strength to move forward.
There is a temptation to rush to canonize your memory, there is no need to do so. You stand tall enough asa human being of unique qualities not to need to be seen as a saint. Indeed, to sanctify your memory wouldbe to miss out on the very core of your being, your wonderfully mischievous sense of humour with a laugh that bent you double. Your joy for life, transmitted wherever you took your smile, and the sparkle in thoseunforgettable eyes. Your boundless energy, which you could barely contain. But your greatest gift was yourintuition and it was a gift you used wisely. This is what underpinned all your other wonderful attributes and if we look to analyse what it was about you that had such a wide appeal we find it in your instinctivefeel for what was really important in all our lives...
The Olympics represents the noble ideal of sports overcoming the barriers of politics with champion athletes of all nations gathering in the spirit of sportsmanship. However, the stakes go beyond who wins the gold medal. Shortly after each competition, nations begin to vie afresh for the bid to host the next game. Winning the vote to host is not merely an honor, it is a political conquest in global recognition. It also spins revenue from the influx of tourists, participants and Olympic related paraphernalia.
However, all that glitters is not gold. For some residents of Beijing, the site of Olympic 2008, the impact of winning the bid cuts deep and far into their personal lives. The capital is expecting to pour billions of dollars into sports facilities and related upgrades such as roads, public transport, landscaping and sanitation. For the bustling city of bicycles and traffic jams tucked among imperial relics, the Olympics is an opportunity for urban renewal.
Yet for those within the areas, something must give way to make room for the model Olympic Village.
Decades of family homes will be uprooted and dispersed among apartments on the outskirts of the city. Although modern plumbing and sanitation will replace chamber pots, the move is an upheaval of a community and its way of life and social dynamics. It will be interesting to follow up on those and study the effects ofthe transplant.
The Olympics upgrades are not disposable stage props that can be easily discarded after the show. Experts are afraid that without the heartbeat of ordinary people dwelling in the ancient city, the high tech Olympic City would become culturally dry. Careful urban planning and stringent regulations such as building restrictions can preserve the impression of an intact neighborhood. Nevertheless, without the residents, aesthetic is lost and only the facade remains, waiting to be filled by tourists and businesses.
Nonetheless who can begrudge anyone a more comfortable living environment? Even without the Olympics, can the drumbeat of modernization be stopped? And whether the changes are for better or worse, who should presume to judge such things other than those whose lives bear the brunt of the impact?
为奥运会所做的改进工程,并非是戏剧演出结束后轻易就可以丢弃的舞台小道具。专家们担心在这座古城中缺乏了普通 居民的声迹,高科技的奥运城会在文化上几近枯竭。即使细心的城市规划和严厉的法规,例如建筑管制可以保留原封不动的社区外观,然而没有了居民,美感仍会失落,而只留下空壳,等待游客和商业的填充。