



  关于爱自己的英语美文:爱自己 love oneself

  To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

  Love yourself. Love the things that make you you.Your values and talents and memories.

  If you love yourself, you can jump into your life from a springboard of self-confidence.

  If you love yourself, you can say what you want to say, go where you want togo.

  The world can be a tough place, and some of the billions of people out there will try to knock you down. Don’t join them. Do things that make you proud, then take pride in what you do. And in who youare.Who are you anyway? What makes you you? How are you like your siblings and neighbors and friends?

  If you were your own secret admirer, what would you most admire?

  “My great mistake, the fault for which I can’t forgive myself,” Oscar Wildewrote, “is that one day I ceased my obstinate pursuit of my ownindividuality.”

  Keep pursuing your individuality. Keep being yourself. Becoming yourself. It can be comforting to dress and act like everyone else.But it is grander to be different, to be unique, to be you.

  I’m the only me in the whole wide world.

  There is always one true inner voice. Trust it. Sometimes it’s hard to know who you are and what you want and whom you likeand why you like that person.The answers change because you’re changing.

  Growing.But deep inside, you are you.You were you as a baby, you were you as a kid,and you are you right now.“Let me listen to me and not to them,” wroteGertrude Stein.It makes sense to consider the advice and opinions of other people. But don’t let their noise drown out your inner voice.


















  Being kind to yourself in everyday life is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Life will become lighter and your relationships will most likely improve. You will feel happier overall. And your self-esteem and your sense of deserving good things in life will go up。每天的生活里,善待自己是你能为自己做的最好的事情之一。生活会变得更轻松,人际关系会得到改善,整个人也会更加幸福。你也会更加自信,更能感觉到生活的美好。

  To make positive change with that simply start a new habit today. One of kindness towards yourself. You can find 9 such habits of self-kindness below。积极地改变自己,以此为开始,每天培养一个新的习惯。这也是善待自己的一种方式。下文中你可以找到9种善待自己的习惯。

  1. Invest in yourself。为自身投资

  Spend 30-60 minutes in the morning or evening with reading, listening to or watching material that uplifts you, that helps you to understand yourself and the world or that helps you to live a better life. Then, if possible, take one small action on what you have learned。每天早晚花上30-60分钟时间读、听或看一些能提高自己的东西,这能帮助你更好的理解自己和这个世界,帮助你过上更好的生活。之后要尽可能学以致用,哪怕是很小的部分。

  2. Find the truth and exception when an inner critic or outer critic attacks。


  Your own inner critic may not always say nice things about you to you. People around you may attack you or try to bring you down to serve one of their own needs. If you or someone else does this, ask yourself: what is the exception to this though?你内心对于自己的评价可能并不总是好的。你周围的人也会出于自身的某种需要而攻击你或试图将你打倒。如果你或者别人这样做了,问问自己:是不是有什么例外?

  3. Set a low bar for happiness。为幸福设置较低的门槛

  Wake up in the morning. Relax for a minute. Tell yourself: “Today I will set a low bar for happiness”。早晨醒来之后,先放松一下,然后告诉自己:“今天我将为幸福设置一个较低的门槛。”

  The small things or what may be something one takes for granted becomes something I now often pause for a moment or two to take in and appreciate. This approach to the day makes life lighter, more joyful and it becomes easier to keep the motivation up。我常常为生活中一些人觉得理所当然的东西停留片刻,并驻足欣赏。这会使生活更加轻松愉快,更容易保持激情。

  4. Unstress tonight。今晚无压力

  Take a long bath and read something to escape. Or work out. Or talk to someone about something that is on your mind and let it all out. Set aside 30 minutes or more and be kind to your body and mind by letting the tensions and stress out。泡一个舒服的热水澡,读一些暂时能让自己逃避现实的东西,或者让自己筋疲力尽。找个朋友聊聊天,将一直憋在心中的烦恼全部释放出去。预留出30分钟或更多的时间,善待自己的身体和心灵,让紧张和压力远离自己。

  5. Mediocre day?平淡的一天?

  Take one small step forward towards something positive. If your day feels mediocre or just sort of depressing then take one small step towards something positive to breathe new hope and optimism into your day and week。向积极的方向迈出一小步。如果你感觉到生活平淡或实在有些压抑,就向积极的东西迈进,为人生注入新的希望和乐观精神。

  Book or research a trip you want to take. Setup a dinner or a cup of coffee with a good friend. Look into how you can grow in your career to get new and exciting stuff to do. Try a new hobby。预订一次你盼望已久的旅行;和好朋友共进一顿晚餐或一起喝杯咖啡;思考一下如何在事业上获得更大的上升空间和更具有挑战性的工作;尝试一种新的爱好。

  6. If you stumble, be your own best friend。


  Don’t beat yourself up, that will erode your self-esteem. Be a kind and supportive friend to yourself instead. Ask yourself: How would my friend/parent support me and help me in this situation? And then do things and talk to yourself like he or she would。不要自暴自弃,这会损伤你的自信。相反,这时候要自己为自己打气。问问你自己:在这种情况下,我的朋友或父母会怎么支持我和帮助我?像他们对你那样对待你自己。

  And remember to ask yourself what you can learn from your stumble and if there is an opportunity in this situation. Then take that new knowledge you gain and move forward once again. 记得问问自己,你可以从这次挫折中学到什么,挫折中是否蕴含着机遇。然后从中获得新知识并再一次前进。

  7. Take a laugh-break. 笑一笑,放松下

  Take 20-30 minutes in the middle of your day or if that is not possible then use your morning or evening. Use your cell phone, portable

  media player, computer or TV and watch an episode of a sitcom, read a funny book or comic or listen to a podcast you know makes you laugh。

  每天中午抽出20 - 30分钟用手机、便携式媒体播放器、电脑或电视看一集情景喜剧、读一本有趣的书或者漫画,或收听一个能让自己开怀大笑的播客。

  8. Remember, the future is still in your hands.


  And it is never too late to change. Don’t get stuck in thought loops that just go round and round about what you could have done or what went wrong. 改变永远都不会晚。不要总想着那些本来能做成功或已无可挽回的事情。

  Think about what you really want in the rest of your life instead. Better health? A great relationship? New challenges in your career? What are a few small steps you can take towards that goal? Take one of those steps today. Then another tomorrow。相反,要想想你的余生真正想要的是什么。更好的身体?良好的人际关系?职业生涯中新的挑战?想实现这些目标,你可以采取些什么行动?今天就开始迈出第一步。然后循序渐进。

  9. Simply remind yourself of why is smart to be kind to yourself。


  By knowing the reasons why it is smart to be kinder to yourself it, in my experience, becomes easier and easier to be kind to yourself and to take the time for it every day。知道为什么善待自己是明智的,在我看来,会让你觉得善待自己是很容易的事情,并逐渐形成习惯。


  “I love myself.” That sounds a bit silly (and I doubt anyone would ever say it out loud), but self-love isn’t reserved for the egomaniacs of the world. Finding the confidence to succeed (or even the courage to start) is very difficult if you don’t love yourself. If you’re ready to swoon your hot self, keep on reading.


  1. Stop Beating Yourself Up


  Would you say the things you think about yourself to another person? If not, you owe yourself an apology. How could you love a person who believes such nasty things about you? Even if you did mess up, get over it. Big goof that’s mostly irrelevant? Laugh at it. Serious mistake that had repercussions? Learn from it. The important thing is to drop your baggage and move on.


  2. Think Positive


  Focus on your strengths (instead of your weaknesses). Leap out of bed (don’t crawl out of it). Look at every day as a new opportunity (not the same old story).


  3. Be Thankful


  Be aware of all the things you should be thankful for. Make note of the people, places, things and activities that bring you the most joy. If you slow down, you’ll realize you have an awful lot to be thankful for.


  4. Learn and Grow


  Developing your knowledge and skills will help you develop a healthy swagger and confidence that you can do anything.


  5. Accept Your Flaws/Quirks/Weirdness


  My penmanship sucks, I can’t ride a bike, I am only good at cooking three things (spaghetti/omelets/sandwiches) and I have an irrational fear of bees (which is so bad that I once drove my car into a stop sign after one flew into an open window on a summer day). And you know what? I wouldn’t change any of that. Be confident in yourself, no matter how “weird” (interesting and unique) you may be.


  6. Use Your Strengths


  Think about the top three accomplishments in your life. I don’t care how big or little they are. It could be graduating college, landing a sweet job, getting your first business client, winning an award, losing weight, or whatever. Now write down the strengths you used to accomplish those three things. See any common threads that led to achievement? If so, the path to more success is right in front of you. Use the strengths that have been proven to work if you want to boost belief in yourself make your weaknesses irrelevant.


  7. No More Comparisons


  Forget about the celebrities you compare your body to, the relationships you contrast yours with, and the people you are so obsessed with pleasing. Life is not a competition. Your only goal is to become a better version of yourself.


  8. Be Comfortable in Your Skin


  Yes, build a body that makes you feel strong and confident, but forget about any preconceived notions about what you “should look like.” The only person who gets to decide what “hot” and “sexy” means is you.


  9. Chill Out


  Why are you always in such a hurry? It is okay (and in fact necessary) to relax. Our brains can only handle so much. Quiet your inner-chatter, shut off all distractions, prepare a bubble bath, and get in with a good book. You earned it.


  10. Pat Yourself on the Back


  We are quick to judge ourselves for our mistakes yet we never seem to celebrate ourselves for our successes. Success doesn’t come in the form of a life-altering Big Victory; instead, the path to success typically includes a whole lot of small victories. Be happy with every victory, no matter how small you might think it is, because this will help you feel confident and keep moving forward.


  11. Take Care of Your Body


  Everything you eat has an influence on your mood and energy levels. If you’re feeling depressed and exhausted, take an honest look at what you are eating. Everyone reacts differently to different foods, but with experimentation you can discover the fuel that results in the best performance.


  12. Dance


  Dance parties are always good ideas. Who says you need a partner? Crank up some 80′s jams or show-tunes and get moving. You might feel silly—you might even laugh at yourself—but it will be fun (and you know it).


  13. Have Fun


  Life is not meant to be a never-ending to-do list. What makes you feel happy and excited? Do more of that. And before you claim you “don’t have the time,” please realize that there is no such thing as “enough time in the day.” There is, however, a thing called priorities and making the time for fun is a priority if you want to be happy.


  14. Pay Attention


  When is the last time you really looked at the full moon and shining stars in the pitch black sky? What about the trees in your backyard that are the size of prehistoric dinosaurs? Have you picked a flower at the park lately (for the purpose of nasal delight or hair decoration)? You are surrounded by beautiful things.


  15. Smile


  Smile because you are worthy of love and happiness and free to have as much as your heart desires (and also you’re going to have a hard time staying sad with that cute grin plastered on your face).






