

  As time goes by, people are being busier and busier with working, such as signing their contracts, meeting their customers, drawing up the balance sheets of their companies and so on. In this circumstance, people forget our most excellent skill--smile.
  There are a great many kinds of power of smile. First of all, common touch can be showed by a kind smile. Imagine that you go to a company to attend an audition. With a confident smile, you are more likely to answer the question better. Furthermore, smile can eliminate angry. As a philosopher said, smile before you begin to get angry. The last but not the least, it reflects calm of a person when he is in danger or in trouble.
  The beneficial aspects cannot be stated completely in this passage. But you can understand its power when you smile.
  As time goes by, people are being busier and busier with working, such as signing their contracts, meeting their customers, drawing up the balance sheets of their companies and so on. In this circumstance, people forget our most excellent skill--smile.
  There are a great many kinds of power of smile. First of all, common touch can be showed by a kind smile. Imagine that you go to a company to attend an audition. With a confident smile, you are more likely to answer the question better. Furthermore, smile can eliminate angry. As a philosopher said, smile before you begin to get angry. The last but not the least, it reflects calm of a person when he is in danger or in trouble.
  The beneficial aspects cannot be stated completely in this passage. But you can understand its power when you smile.
  Smile is an attiude of life .so it is important for us to simle to ourselves or others. every one has experience that he do not pass the exams.some may feel upset,others may feel energetic because they have new goals.to finish these goals,simle can help us a lot.simle can make us confident to face the failure.smile to friends is also necessary .the more friends you have ,the more succsss you can get in the future.so please get on well with your friends.in a short,smile is a important part of our life.after all,Try to smile to yourself and your friends and you will be happy all the time.
  Peter is the general manager of an American company in China. Recently, Jun Chen, one of the Chinese managers made a mistake at work that caused some difficulties that required a lot of effort2 to fix. Jun Chen was very upset about what had happened, and came to Peter's office to make a formal apology.
  Jun Chen went into Peter's office after being told to, smiling before he spoke. “Peter, I've been feeling very upset about the trouble I've caused for the company. I'm here to apologize for my mistake. I'm terribly sorry about it and I want you to know that it will never happen again,” Jun Chen said, looking at Peter with the smile he had been wearing since he walked into the office.
  Peter found it hard to accept the apology. He looked at Jun Chen, and asked, “Are you sure?”
  “Yes, I'm very sorry and I promise this won't happen again,” Jun Chen said, with a smile even broader than before.
  “I'm sorry I just can't take your apology. You don't look sorry at all!” Peter said angrily.
  Jun Chen's face turned very red. He did not in the least expect Peter to take it negatively3. He was desperate to make himself understood. “Peter,” he managed to smile again, “trust me, no one can feel any more sorry than I do about it.”
  Peter was almost furious4 by now, “If you're that sorry, how can you still smile
  It may be difficult for Westerners to believe that smiling for the Chinese not only means that someone is happy, but also that he or she is sorry. It is desirable6 for a Chinese to apologize with a smile, which indicates humbleness7 and embarrassment. Jun Chen probably was not even aware8 that he was smiling when he first went into the office to apologize, yet he did make an effort to smile when he saw Peter getting angry. For Jun Chen, the smile was an important part of the apology. As a result, he could not understand why Peter got angry when he gave a sincere9 apology.