in china, i think the most
serious environmental problem is the air pollution, water pollution, land
desertification, soil erosion. i think the earths temperature rises is the most serious.after evaporation temperatures, more intense, so will cause
drought. temperatures, glacier melt after, sea level will rise, a direct impact on peoples life. i think, water can be recycled. because water is limited resources, is not
renewable, water recycling
is a waste, and energy saving. in everyday life, there are many waste of resources. for example, many the use
of disposable chopsticks, disposable plastic bags, waste water etc.
useful things. above all, want to improve peoples massive propaganda,
enlightenment and understanding, strengthen the consciousness of environmental
next, want to undertake recycling of forest trees, reduce the deforestation.
strengthen the white pollution treatment, use less plastic products. finally, to make improvement. make clean city. a more orderly daizhuanghua
garbage. this can not only reduce the sanitation workers less workload, still can better play recycling, reduce
pollution and save resources. buy vegetables, use less plastic bags, try to use bamboo basket. eating out as
far as possible need not disposable lunch boxes.
The Best Way to Improve Air Quality Recently, the haze weather hasincreasingly been serious and this
phenomenon triggers the widespread concerntowards air quality. In my view of the point, the best way to improve airquality is to tax the owner of private car.
There are reasons accounting formy view. To begin with, there is no denying that gas emission of private car isa great evil of air pollution. 有很多理由可以支持我的观点。首先,不可否认的是私人汽车的尾气排放是空气污染的一大罪恶。
To tax the owner of private car will make somecontribution to cut down gas emission and improve air quality. Furthermore, thetax also has a great impact on decreasing the rate of car's increase. Those whohave a plan to buy a car will take the tax into account and some of them haveto give up their plan. If a lot of people can use public transportation insteadof private cars, the air quality will not be so rotten. In addition, taxing forprivate car is also a warning of environment protection. The notion ofenvironment protection will be brought to public again and an increasing numberof people will be awake to the importance of air protection and environmentprotection and make effort to protect it. Finally, the government can use thetax as funds of improving the air quality, which will be a great help to raisefund.
Taking above into account, Ibelieve that taxing the owner of private car is the best way to improve airquality. Certainly, we can carry out other methods to improve it at the sametime, such as planting trees, developing public transportation and so on. Iadvocate that all of us should take pains to protect our environment and wewill lead a better life.