date of manufacture
Production date
产品生产日期 Production Start Date
模块生产日期 Module Manufacturing Date
预定生产日期 desired production date
生产日期证明 Producers filling date proof
批量生产日期 Date for Volume Production
生产日期代码 manufacture date code
药品生产日期 drugs production date
1. I in regular supermarket purchase, also examines the production date.
我都在正规超市购买, 也查看生产日期.
2. Manufacturing Date Code - The format is very similar to that specified for WEEE.
生产日期码 – 该格式与我们WEEE的要求很相似.
3. Although these commodities include production date, but always an easy identification.
这类商品虽然注明了生产日期, 但不易辨识.
4. Date of manufacture: see sealing place.
生产日期: 见封口.
5. Date of production: On the seal.
生产日期: 见封口处.
6. Date of production: Marked on the pack.
生产日期: 标于包装袋上.
7. What about the date of production?
那生产日期 呢 ?
8. When choosing milk , milk powder should be carefully observed the packaging, manufacturing date and shelf - life date.
在选购奶粉时,应当仔细观察奶粉的包装物 、 生产日期和保质日期.
9. It has the functions of folding and cutting napkin, wetting, cutting, printing and counting ( Withcount preset ) etc.
该机可自动完成:湿巾 ( 纸巾 ) 折叠、切断、对花、加料、充填、制袋 、 加液 、 封合、计数、打印生产日期、切断、成品输出等功能.
10. There is a paper at the back showing the production date and the tea factory address.
11. Please check and confirm that you accept this way of printing production date and date.
12. However, reporters took note of the date of production in mid - August and early September between.
不过记者注意到生产日期在8月 中旬 和9月上旬之间.
13. During sealing, printing date, lot No. and mark are available with clean and perfect looking.
14. Forging or blurring the production date, safe use date or expiry date a commodity.
伪造或者模糊标注生产日期 、 安全使用期或者失效日期等.
15. In buys on the oil everybody to pay attention to the production date.