



  笔盒的英文:pen box[pen bɒks]

  笔盒的英文: pencil box[ˈpensl bɒks]


  1. Could you please show me the pen - box, please?


  2. Tin Box , ashtray, Soft Balls, Badges, Pencil Cases Badges and Emblems.

  采购产品烟灰缸, 软球, 徽章, 笔盒,肩章和标志.

  3. Are there many rulers in the pencil case?

  笔盒里有一些尺子 吗 ?

  4. Open the pencil box, take a ballpoint pen out of the pencil - box and on the right - hand - box.

  打卡铅笔盒, 从 铅笔盒 里拿出一支圆珠笔放到笔盒的右边.

  5. Children's Products, CD Holders, Pencil Case , Bags , Lighting Set Baby and Infant Products.

  采购产品儿童的产品, 裁谈会的持有人, 笔盒, 箱包, 照明设置.

  6. Hm, wir brauchen zwei Kisten A 4 - Papier , zehn Schachteln mit Kugelschreibern , f ü nfzig Marker.

  嗯, 我们需要两箱A4打印纸, 十盒圆珠笔,五十支马克笔.

  7. Our main products are student pencil boxes, calculators, pencil bags pencil sharpener and other office articles.

  我公司目前主要生产学生用尺,学具盒 、 计算机 、 笔袋、卷笔刀、办公用品等各类产品.

  8. This should make the dialog more usable on smaller screens, e . g . as used by net books.

  这样会让对话盒在小型萤幕上更易于使用, 例如用于轻省笔电.

  9. I also want to buy several necklaces, several bracelet bangles, a casket jewel box, a pen for my husband.

  我还要买几串项链 、 几个手镯 、 一个首饰盒, 给我丈夫买支笔.
