indirect rate 间接汇率
indirect taxation 间接税.
individual income regulation tax 个人调节税.
individual income tax 个人所得税.
individual savings 私人储蓄
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 中国工商银行
industrial financing 工业融资.
industrial-commercial consolidated tax 工商统一税.
industrial-commercial income tax 工商所得税.
industrial-commercial tax 工商税.
inflation 通货膨胀
inflation 通货膨胀
inflation 通货膨胀
inflation rate 通货膨胀率
inflation rate 通货膨胀率
inflation rate 通货膨胀率
inflationary spiral 螺旋式上升的通货膨胀
inflationary spiral 螺旋式上升的通货膨胀
inflationary spiral 螺旋式上升的通货膨胀
inflationary trends 通货膨胀趋势
inflationary trends 通货膨胀趋势
inflationary trends 通货膨胀趋势
infrastructure bank 基本建设投资银行
initial margin 初始保证金.
initial margin 期初保证权.
initial margins 初始保证金.
initial reserve 初期准备金
initial reserve 初期准备金
initial reserve 初期准备金
insider 内幕人
installment savings 零存整取储蓄
institution 机构投资者
insurance appraiser 保险损失评价人.
insurance broker 保险经纪人.
insurance contract 保险契约,保险合同.
insurance saleman 保险外勤.
insurance services 保险业务
insure against fire 保火险.
insured 被保险人.
interbank market 银行同业市场
inter-business credit 同行放帐.
interest on deposit 存款利息
interest per annum 年息
interest per month 月息
interest rate futures contract 利率期货合约.
interest rate policy 利率政策
interest rate policy 利率政策
interest rate policy 利率政策
interest rate position 利率头寸.
interest rate risk 利率风险.
interest restriction 利息限制
interest subsidy 利息补贴
interest-rate risk 利息率风险.
interim finance 中间金融.
intermediary bank 中间银行
intermediate account 中间帐户
internal reserves 内部准备金
internal reserves 内部准备金
internal reserves 内部准备金
international banking services 国际银行业务
International Investment Bank (IIB) 国际投资银行
international leasing 国际租赁.
in-the-money 有内在价值的期权.
intraday 日内
intrinsic utility 内在效用.
intrinsic value 实际价值,内部价值.
inward documentary bill for collection 进口跟单汇票,进口押汇(汇票)
isolation of risk 风险隔离.
issue bank 发行银行
JCB card JCB卡.
joint financing 共同贷款.
key risk 关键风险.
kill a bet 终止赌博.
land use tax 土地使用税.
large deposit 大额存款
large leases 大型租赁.
latent inflation 潜在的通货膨胀
latent inflation 潜在的通货膨胀
latent inflation 潜在的通货膨胀
lease agreement 租约.
lease and release 租借和停租.
lease broker 租赁经纪人.
lease financing 租赁筹租.
lease immovable 租借的不动产.
lease in perpetuity 永租权.
lease insurance 租赁保险.
lease interest insurance 租赁权益保险.
lease land 租赁土地.
lease mortgage 租借抵押.
lease out 租出.
lease property 租赁财产.
lease purchase 租借购买.
lease rental 租赁费.
lease territory 租借地.
leaseback 回租.
leasebroker 租赁经纪人.
leased immovable 租借的不动产.
leasehold 租赁土地.
leasehold 租借期,租赁营业,租赁权.
leasehold property 租赁财产.
leasehold property 租赁财产.
leaseholder 租赁人.
leaseholder 承租人,租借人.
leases agent 租赁代理.
leases arrangement 租赁安排.
leases company 租赁公司.
leases structure 租赁结构.
leasing 出租.
leasing agreement 租赁协议.
leasing amount 租赁金额.
leasing asset 出租财产,租赁财产.
leasing clauses 租赁条款.
leasing consultant 租赁顾问.
leasing contract 租赁合同.
leasing cost 租赁成本.
leasing country 承租国.
leasing division 租赁部.
leasing equipment 租赁设备.
leasing industry 租赁业.
leasing industry (trade) 租赁业.
leasing money 租赁资金.
leasing period 租赁期.
leasing regulations 租赁条例.
legal interest 法定利息
legal tender 法定货币
legal tender 本位货币,法定货币
lessee 承租人,租户.
lessor 出租人.
letter of confirmation 确认书.
letter transfer 信汇
leveraged leases 杠杆租赁.
lien 扣押权,抵押权.
life insurance 人寿保险.
life of assets 资产寿命.
limit order 限价指令
limited floating rate 有限浮动汇率
line of business 行业,营业范围,经营种类.
liquidation 清仓
liquidity 流动性
liquidity of bank 银行资产流动性
liquidity of bank 银行资产流动性
liquidity of bank 银行资产流动性
listed stock 上市股票
livestock transaction tax 牲畜交易税.
loan account 贷款帐户
loan amount 贷款额.
loan at call 拆放.
loan bank 放款银行
loan volume 贷款额.
loan-deposit ratio 存放款比率
loan-deposit ratio 存放款比率
loan-deposit ratio 存放款比率
loans to financial institutions 金融机构贷款
loans to government 政府贷款
local bank 地方银行
local income tax (local surtax) 地方所得税.
local surtax 地方附加税.
local tax 地方税.
long arbitrage 多头套利.
long position 多头头寸
long position 多头寸;买进的期货合同.
long-term certificate of deposit 长期存款单
long-term credit bank 长期信用银行
long-term finance 长期资金融通.
loss leader 特价商品,亏损大项
loss of profits insurance 收益损失保险.
loss on exchange 汇兑损失
low-currency dumping 低汇倾销
low-currency dumping 低汇倾销.
M/T (= Mail Transfer) 信汇
main bank 主要银行
maintenance margin 最低保证金,维持保证金.
major market index 主要市场指数
management risk 管理风险.
managing bank of a syndicate 财团的经理银行
manipulation 操纵
margin 保证金
margin call 保证金通知.
margin call 追加保证金的通知.
margin money 预收保证金,开设信用证保证金.
margin rate 保证金率.
markdown 跌价.
market discount rate 市场贴现率.
market expectations 市场预期.
market makers 造市者.
market order 市价订单.
market risk 市场风险.
marketability 流动性
market-clearing 市场结算.
Master card 万事达卡.
matching 搭配.
mature liquid contracts 到期合约.