





  Smile and glance at the audience;


  Start very slowly, with your shoulders back and your chin up;


  Say something positive to yourself;


  Watch your emotional tone;


  To touch emotions;


  Look at people straight or look at the bridge of their noses or chins;


  Make sure you fully understand your role in the program;


  Devote care to structuring your speech logically.


  1. 语速太快 Talking too rapidly;

  2. 声音单调 Speaking in monotone;

  3. 声音尖细 Using too high a vocal pitch;

  4. 谈得太多,说得太少

  Talking and not saying much;

  5. 感情不充分

  Presenting without enough emotion or passion;

  6. 对观众采取一种居高临下的姿态

  Talking down to the audience;

  7. 夸张的词语使用得太多

  Using too many "big" words;

  8. 使用抽象概念而不给出事例加以说明

  Using abstractions without giving concrete examples;

  9. 使用别人不熟悉的技术术语

  Using unfamiliar technical jargon;

  10. 使用俚语或粗俗语

  Using slang or profanity;

  11. 演讲无组织,散乱无序

  Disorganized and rambling performance;

  12. 说话绕弯子,不切中主题

  Indirect communication , beating around the bush.


  1. 你的演讲包含三个部分

  The beginning, the middle and the end. Start to plan out what you will do in these three parts. The beginning is ideal for an attention grabber or for an ice breaker. The end is great to wrap things up or to end with a grand finale。开场、正文、结尾。开始规划你要在这三部分讲什么,典型的开场就是吸引注意力或是破冰,结尾可以把所讲的内容回顾一番或是来一个压轴戏。

  2. Use lists of three wherever you can in your presentation3. 演讲中尽可能将观点列为三点进行表达

  Lists of three have been used from early times up to the present day. They are particularly used by politicians and advertisers who know the value of using the rule of three to sell their ideas。列为三点这种方式已经从过去沿用至今,它们熟练的被政治家和广告制作人用来销售他们的理念,因为他们深知“三的法则”的价值。

  A classic example of the rule of three was Winston Churchill’s famous Blood, Sweat and Tears speech. He is widely attributed as saying I can promise you nothing but blood sweat and tears. What he actually said was “I can promise you Blood, Sweat, Toil and Tears”. Because of the rule of three we simply remember it as Blood sweat and tears。有关“三的法则”享有盛名的就是丘吉尔的“血、汗和泪水”的演说,人们普遍认为他当时说的是:我能奉献的唯有血、汗和泪水,实际上他说了什么呢?“我能奉献的唯有血、汗、辛劳和泪水”,因为“三的法则”我们仅仅只记住了血、汗和泪水。

  3. In Presentations “Less is More”4. 在演讲中“少即是多”

  If you have four points to get across – cut one out. They won’t remember it anyway. In presentations less really is more. No one ever complained of a presentation being too short。如果你有四个要点要阐述——那就去掉一个,他们是无论如何也记不下那个的。在演讲中“少即是多”,没有人会因为一场演讲太过简短而抱怨的。
