




  1. 比赛获胜 win a match

  2. 打败某人 beat sb.

  3. 大量…许多… a number of…

  4. …的数量 the number of…

  5. 去过某地已回来 have /has been to

  6. 去了某地未回来have /has gone to

  7. 在某地呆了多久 have /has been in/on/at+for+一段时间

  8. 立刻马上 in a minute /right now/right away

  9. 以…为食(指动物) feed on 以… 为生(指人)live on

  10. 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth.

  11. 到目前为止 so far

  12. 劈柴 chop wood

  13. 成千上万的 thousands of+名词复数

  14. 在过去的… 里 in the past/last +一段时间与现在完成时连用

  15. 制作一张轰动一时的唱片 make a hit CD

  16. 幸亏由于 thanks to /because of

  17. 进行世界旅游 go on a world tour

  18. 排行前十 in the top ten

  19. 离开 be off

  20. 该某人做某事 it’s one’s turn to do sth.

  21. 努力设法做某事try to do sth.

  22. 尝试做某事try doing sth.

  23. 濒临灭绝的动物 endangered animals

  24. 反对做 be against doing sth.

  25. 赞成做 be for doing sth.

  26. 坚信 believe strongly

  27. 期望做… look forward to doing sth.

  28. 对… 感到惊讶 be surprised at … /be amazed at…

  29. 足够的作业 enough homework

  30. 足够强壮 strong enough

  31. 阻止…做… stop… (from)doing…

  32. prevent… from doing…

  33. keep… from doing…

  34. 也许大概 probably/maybe/perhaps

  35. 由…制成 be made of … (看得出原材料)

  36. be made from(看不出原材料)

  37. be made out of

  38. 由…组成 be made up of +组成部分

  39. 适合于… be suitable for

  40. 为… 提供… provide sth.for sb

  41. Provide sb.with sth

  42. 开车 drive cars /ride in cars

  43. 拆除 pull down

  44. 中国国旗the national flag of China

  45. 同意某人的意见agree with sb.

  46. 同意做… agree to do sth


  1. 习惯于(做)be/get used to (doing)sth.

  2. 被用来做 be used to do sth.

  3. Be used for doing sth.

  4. 发现/认为做某事… find/think it +adj.+to do sth.

  5. 把… 插入… stick … into…

  6. 介意某人做… mind one’s doing sth.

  7. 改变主意 change one’s mind

  8. 下决心做… make up one’s mind to do sth.

  9. 记住某事 keep sth. in mind

  10. 没关系 never mind

  11. 书面英语 written English 英语口语spoken English

  12. 自学 learn… by oneself /teach oneself

  13. 上茶 serve tea

  14. 敬酒 make a toast

  15. 给予赞扬 give compliments

  16. 以…开始 begin/start with

  17. 以…结束end with

  18. 把…遗留在… leave sth +介词短语(表地点)

  19. 动身去某地 leave for sw.

  20. 玩得高兴 have fun doing /enjoy oneself /have a good time

  21. 浅蓝色light blue

  22. 深紫色 dark purple

  23. 让他紧张 make him tense/make him feel tense

  24. 让某人一直做 Keep sb. doing sth.

  25. 科学研究 scientific studies

  26. 你对污染是什么看法?How do you feel about pollution?

  27. what do you think of pollution?

  28. 针对瞄准 aim at

  29. 防止 keep out

  30. 例如 for instance /for example

  31. 如此…以至于… so … that…

  32. 为了以便 so that

  33. 老实说 to be honest /to tell the truth

  34. 假装做… pretend to do sth

  35. 引导/误导某人做 lead /mislead sb. to do sth.

  36. 把…放在…上 put…on…

  37. 把…放在…里 put…in…

  38. 推迟 put off

  39. 把…收起来 put away

  40. 穿上 put on

  41. 举起put up 放下 put down

  42. 打开 turn on

  43. 关掉 turn off

  44. 调低 turn down

  45. 调大 turn up

  46. 如此重要的比赛 such an important match,so important a match

  47. 开始做某事 start to do sth /start doing sth

  48. 完成做某事 finish doing sth.

  49. 听说某人/某事 hear of /about sb/sth.

  50. 收到某人的来信hear from sb.=receive /get a letter from sb.


  1. 打电话 make a telephone call to sb./call sb./ telephone sb./give sb. a call/telephone

  2. 存钱 save money

  3. 向左拐 turn left

  4. 在两者之间 between and

  5. 在中国人之中 among the Chinese people

  6. 闲荡 hang out

  7. 我宁愿呆在外边。I prefer being outside./I would rather be outside.

  8. 宁愿做…而不愿做… prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.

  9. 比起做…来更喜欢做… prefer doing sth.to doing sth.

  10. 太多的钱 too much money

  11. 太多的家务 too many chores

  12. 太贵了 much too expensive

  13. 花钱 人+spend+(钱、时间)+on sth.或in doing sth.

  14. 人+pay+(人)+钱+for sth.

  15. 物+cost +(人)+钱

  16. It takes sb. some time to do sth.

  17. 有点儿小 kind of /a bit/a little small

  18. 一位友好的人 a kind man

  19. 各种各样的 kinds of

  20. 迷人的嗓音 a fascinating voice

  21. 度假 take/go on a vacation

  22. 打扮成 dress up as…

  23. 既美味又便宜both delicious and cheap

  24. 既不…也不… neither nor

  25. 或者…或者… either or

  26. 不仅…而且… not only… but also…

  27. 与…相似 be similar to/look like

  28. 和… 相同 be the same as

  29. 和… 不同 be different from

  30. 依赖依靠 depend on

  31. 一方面…另一方面…on the one hand…on the other hand

  32. 为了 in order to

  33. 更擅长(做)…become/get/be better at (doing) sth.

  34. 应该做…be supposed to do…

  35. 握手 shake hands

  36. 第一次 for the first time

  37. 到达 get to/arrive in/arrive at /reach

  38. 本该做… should have + 过去分词

  39. 犯错误 make a mistakes

  40. 一点儿钱 a little/a bit of money

  41. 对某人来说做某事很重要 It’s important for sb. to do sth.

  42. 顺便拜访 drop by

  43. 尽可能… as …as one can /as… as possible

  44. 准时 on time 及时 in time

  45. 首先 first of all /at first

  46. 计划做… plan to do /plan on doing

  47. 发出令人不愉快的声音 make a noise

  48. 指着 point at 指向 point to

  49. 特地做… go out of one’s way to do

  50. 过去常常做 used to do







