



  除之外In addition to的英语短语

  Bloodhound will use a rocket in addition to a Eurofighter-Typhoon jet engine to generate thrust.

  So this is in addition to the GP services that are there at the moment.

  As a heavy metal, it is also chemically poisonous in addition to being radioactively poisonous.

  In addition to the history and the sights, the Old City full of food and drink.

  In addition to world-class Chinese and Pacific Island displays, the museum boasts a fine Native American collection.

  In addition to its historical appeal, Pangani is a convenient jumping-off point for many other nearby attractions.

  In addition to the "Top Ten Percent" program, the school considers race and other factors for admission.

  But in addition to Aboriginal history, Sydney is also emphasising the present and future of its indigenous inhabitants.

  In addition to massive weather changes, the summer months also bring changes to the business climate.

  In addition to press releases, these methods include, among others, Internet webcasting and teleconferencing.

  Rather I am calling for consideration of such criteria only in addition to many other factors.

  In addition to Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg, Carroll brought together Richard Dawkins, Daniel C.

  In addition to helping China companies come to the U.S., GGV helps U.S. companies explore China.

  In addition to chart-topping music and high-profile acting gigs, she's become something of an endorsement queen.

  In addition to facing a shortage of weapons, the opposition is undermined by disunity.

  除之外In addition to的英语例句

  In addition to being a research project, Nia offers a full range of services.

  In addition to patent trolls and privateers, the sheer volume of patents is another overwhelming issue.

  For the first time, participants had to demonstrate proficiency in vocabulary in addition tospelling.

  In addition to its regular return policy it also has has 30 different product-specific return policies.

  But, of course, in addition to significant dangers, we also talked about great opportunities.

  In addition to his three board commitments, Nisenholtz remains a senior advisor to the Times Co.

  In addition to tougher gun laws, an even more enlightened approach is to tax ammunition.

  Money from other companies, in addition to Microsoft, is now flowing into the Defeat 1098 campaign.

  In addition to a big new house, it buys servants, private schools and nice vacations.

  Here, you can only carry two guns at a time (in addition to your skyhook).

  And these rules are in addition to the numerous reports and studies that Act also commissioned.

  In addition to Bet Tycoon, Crowdpark is working on an app specifically designed for sports fans.

  Keep in mind that these taxes are in addition to state and federal taxes.

  Brawn oversaw all seven of Michael Schumacher's world titles in addition to Jenson Button's in2009.

  In addition to his economic argument against discrimination, Buffett touched on an interesting ethical one.

  除之外In addition to的双语例句

  1. In addition to my weekly wage, I got a lot of tips.


  2. Use a good waterproof adhesive in addition to the screws.


  3. She gets various perquisites in addition to her wages.


  4. The freighter carries a few passengers in addition to its cargo.


  5. In addition to the killed and wounded, many were missing.

  除了伤亡之外, 还有许多人失踪.

  6. In addition to the tractor, we have acquired a new rice transplanter.

  除了拖拉机, 我们又添了一台插秧机.

  7. In addition to natural rivers, the Chinese working people have dug many canals.

  除了天然的河流之外, 中国劳动人民还开挖了许多运河.

  8. In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience.

  课程除了介绍一般电脑知识外, 还提供实际操作的机会.

  9. In addition to copper, there are many other metals which are good conductors.

  除了铜之外, 还有很多其他金属都是良导体.

  10. In addition to his salary, he has a bonus of 25 yuan per month.

  除工资外, 他每月还有二十五元钱奖金.

  11. In addition to the 81 positive comments, 26 students had neutral, mixed, negative or off topic views.


  12. In addition to the impressiveness of the settings , there is a use of the camera which at times seems magical.

  除了布景的感染力外, 摄影机的使用技巧有时显出不可思议的效果.

  13. In China, both late marriages and late childbirth are advocated, in addition to fewer and better births.

  在中国, 晚婚晚育和少生优生均受到提倡鼓励.

  14. Here there was still a free small peasantry in addition to colonus.


  15. In addition to your good right arm you have your subtle brain.








