安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents
信息化 information-based; informationization
智力密集型 concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive
外资企业 overseas-funded enterprises
下岗职工 laid-off workers
分流 reposition of redundant personnel
三角债 chain debts
素质教育 education for all-round development
豆腐渣工程 jerrybuilt projects
社会治安情况 law-and-order situation
民族国家 nation state
_"independence of Taiwan"
台湾当局 Taiwan authorities
台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots
台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.
西部大开发 Development of the West Regions
可持续性发展 sustainable development
风险投资 risk investment
通货紧缩 deflation
扩大内需 to expand domestic demand
计算机辅助教学 computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
网络空间 cyberspace
虚拟现实 virtual reality
网民 netizen (net citizen)
电脑犯罪 computer crime
电子商务 the e-business
网上购物 shopping online
应试教育 exam-oriented education
学生减负 to reduce study load
1. 山寨 copycatting
This Chinese term literally refers to the mountain strongholds of
bandits. First borrowed to describe rip-off products, it has evolved
to refer also to homemade products, such as video parodies of movies。
2. 囧 be sunk/sunken
This is an ancient Chinese character, pronounced jiong. It means
"light shining through a window". Young Chinese use it to express
embarrassment, or a bad mood. Look at the character. Doesn't it look
like a disappointed face?
3. 很黄很暴力 very pornographic, very violent
During a CCTV interview about a new Internet censorship regulation,
a girl said that an uncensored Web page once popped up onher computer.
She called it "very pornographic, very violent". Somebelieve the girl
was told to say it by CCTV, so it is now used to mockthe way the
network covers news。
4. 槑 nuts
Pronounced méi, the word is a variant of the word for "梅". Butit
also looks like a double version of the character 呆 (dai), which means
stupid. So netizens have borrowed it to mean "very silly or very
5. 叉腰肌 Psoas muscle
Xie Yalong, the former head of the Chinese Football Association,
once criticized women players, saying they have weak Psoasmuscles.
(This is the muscle that links the trunk to the legs; it'simportant
for motion。) However, nobody, including the players, knewwhere the
muscle is. This quote is now used to mock Xie, who wasrecently removed
from his position。
6. 打酱油 get some soy sauce
When a person in Guangzhou was asked to give his opinion ofthe sex
scandal involving Hong Kong star Edison Chen (Chen Guanxi), theman
answered, "It is none of my business. I am just out to get some
soysauce." People have since begun using the words to mean "it's none
ofmy business"。
7. 泡良族 pick-up artists
This expression refers to men who seduce married women。
8. 凤凰男 Phoenix man
This expression refers to a man who grew up poor and in
thecountryside, but later moved to a big city and married a city girl.
Dueto the couple's different backgrounds and habits, they often
9. 做人不能太 CNN don't be too CNN
It emerged in response to foreign media's coverage of Tibet.Many
Chinese thought it was biased. It gained more popularity after CNN
commentator Jack Cafferty's rude talk of China。
10. 三个俯卧撑 three push-ups
A girl in Guizhou was rumored to have been killed by the relatives
of local police officials. However, a local governmentofficial claimed the girl's boyfriend said the girl had jumped into theriver when he was doing push-ups. The popularity of the term signal speople's doubts over the story。