



  (Jack=J Susan=S)

  S: It’s Sara’s birthday the day after tomorrow. 1. _______


  J: Does she like reading? 2. _______________________.

  S: Well she has had lots of books already. Besides, her birthday present last year was also a book.

  J: 3. _______________________________?

  S: No, she doesn’t like basketball, but she likes football.

  J: Get her a football, then?

  S: 4. _______________________________?

  J: I have no idea, about 20 dollars, maybe.

  S: I have only 6 dollars. 5. ________________________?

  J: I have eight. Why not go and ask John if he would like to join us?

  S: That’s really a good idea. Let’s do that right away.


  (Policeman=P Lily=L)

  P: What happened?

  L: My bike hit a car.

  P: 1. __________________________?

  L: Luckily I am not.

  P: 2. ______________________?


  L: It is not broken.

  P: That’s good. 3. ________________________?

  L: About ten minutes ago.

  P: And where?

  L: Around the corner near my school.

  P: 4. ____________________________?

  L: Perhaps I rode too fast when I saw a car coming to me. I tried to stop, but my bike still hit the car.

  P: Well, 5. ____________________.

  L: Thanks a lot. I will.

  P: OK. Goodbye!

  L: Bye!


  (Tim=T Mum=M)

  T: Mum, mum!

  M: 1. ___________________________?

  T: Tomorrow I’m going to take part in a sports meeting, but my sports shoes are worn out. I must buy a new pair.

  M: 2. __________________________?

  T: No. Look! There is a big hole in this one, and the other one is broken, too. I think nobody can mend them well.

  M: Yeah, that’s true. Well. 3. ______________________?

  T: Mum, I’m wearing size 8 now, but they’re too tight. Size 9 are just right, I think. But when shall we go shopping?

  M: 4. _______________________?

  T: Tomorrow? Tomorrow is too late. Shall we go after school this afternoon?

  M: 5. ________________________. I’ll meet you at the school gate.

  T: Thanks, mum. Oh, I must go to school now. See you then. Bye.

  M: Bye.


  (John=J Robert=R)

  J: Hello, Robert. I’m sorry, but I have to tell you some bad news?

  R: 1. ______________________?

  J: Jane fell off her bike and hurt herself on the way home yesterday.

  R: 2. _______________________?

  J: She’s in hospital. 3._________________________.

  R: Why didn’t you send her to hospital at once?

  J: 4. __________________________. But this morning her leg hurt a lot. She couldn’t walk by herself.

  R: That’s too bad. 5. _____________________?

  J: Jane asked us not to worry and wanted us to go for the picnic without her.


  A: Excuse me, 1. ______________________? I haven’t seen him for weeks.

  B: Jim’s gone to England.

  A: Really? 2. _____________________?

  B: He went there last week.

  A: 3. __________________________?

  B: Yes. He had lived there for 15 years before he came to China.

  A: 4. ___________________________?

  B: He traveled with his friends.

  A: 5. ___________________________?

  B: He’ll be away for about two weeks.

  A: Oh, thank you. I’ll phone him this evening.


  A: Hi, Sue. It’s Mario.

  B: Oh, hi. 1. ______________________.

  A: Fine. Look, I was wondering if you are free on Saturday evening. I’ve got some tickets for a concert. Would you like to come?

  B: Oh, well, 2. ___________________________. But, em, I am studying for my exams at the moment, and well,

  I’m sorry I can’t.

  A: OK. Don’t worry. Some other time then, I suppose.

  B: Oh, Yeah. Sure. But 3. ________________________? I think she’s free at the weekend.

  A: Diana? Good idea! But could you tell me her telephone number?

  B: 4. _____________________________. Just a moment, please. It’s 68906133.

  A: 68906133. Thank you.

  B: You’re welcome. And 5. ______________________.

  A: The same to you! Bye!

  B: Bye


  A: Hello. 1. ___________________.

  B: Me, too.

  A: But you look worried. 2. ___________________?

  B: I got a “C” in the English exam.

  A: 3. ______________________!

  B: I think English is too difficult for me. I don’t understand why we Chinese students have to learn it.

  A: You know, 4. _____________________.

  B: You’re right. Though it’s very useful, it’s too hard.

  A: It’s hard, but it’s important. 5. __________________ .

  B: Really? It’s very kind of you. I’ll try harder.


  A: 1. ______________________?

  B: It will be held on November 1oth.

  A: 2. _______________________?

  B: There are seven events in the school sports meeting.

  A: 3. ________________________?

  B: I certainly will. You know, I’m the best runner in my class.

  A: Really? 4. ___________________?

  B: I’ll take part in 400 meters race.

  A: Oh, that’s good. 5. __________________.

  B: It’s very kind of you to say so.


  A: 1. _____________________, Dad ?

  B: I’m learning English on TV.

  A: 2. ________________________? You’re only a taxi driver, not a student. 3. _____________________?

  B: Yes. As we know, the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. When the day comes, 4. ______________________. I’ll drive my taxi to welcome and help friends all over the world.

  A: Oh, You’re really great.

  B: And what’s more, we are a member of the WTO.

  5. ________________________________. Let’s try our best to learn English well. OK?

  A: Good idea!
