


  四. 填空 (每小题1分,共15分)

  A. 根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成英语句子。

  36. I plan to buy a nice     (钱包) for my father.

  37. The man on this     (邮票) is Albert Einstein.

  38. My parents are having a meal in a     (饭店) now.

  39. The     (可怜的) girl doesn’t have warm clothes.

  40. Please walk     (沿着) the street and you will see a bookshop.

  B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

  41. Of all the cinemas here, I like Wanda Cinema     (much).

  42. My dad always     (carry) bags when he is shopping with mum.

  43. There     (be) always some football matches on Saturdays.

  44. This mall is a good place     (meet) friends.

  45. This pair of shoes     (match) your jeans well.

  C. 阅读下面的对话,从方框内选择合适的词语,并用其正确形式填空。

  change, fit sb well, try on, pocket money, just a minute

  Andy: Mum, look at this blue coat. It (46)    , right?

  Mum: Yes. It looks good. But I think this one is better. Why not (47)     this yellow one?

  Andy: (48)     . Yes, this yellow one looks better on me.

  Mum: OK. We will take it. Let me pay.

  Andy: No, Mum. Let me pay for it. I can pay with my (49)     .

  Mum: Do you have enough money for it?

  Andy: Yes, more than enough. I can also buy us a drink with the (50)     .

  Mum: That’s nice.

  五. 请阅读短文,并根据短文内容完成后面的表格。每空一词。(每小题1分,共10分)

  Over 200 million (百万) people shop online in China. They like buying things on computers.

  There are really some good things about shopping online. It is easy. Online shops are always open. And you don’t need to go out to shops. You just order things online and then pay (支付) with a credit card (信用卡) or pay when you get the thing. And there are many different kinds of things for you to buy.

  But some people like shopping in real shops better. They say sometimes the online shops cheat (欺骗) people. In a real clothes shop, you can try on clothes. But in an online shop, you can only see some pictures. A dress may look nice on other people, but it may not fit you. And some people think going shopping with families or friends is great fun. They like window shopping.

  Shopping online

  In China, (51)   than 200 million people shop on their (52)   .

  Advantages (优点) It’s (53)

  to go shopping online. Shops there are always (54)   .

  Shoppers don’t need to go (55)   .

  Shoppers can (56)   easily.

  More choices

  (选择) There are many (57)   kinds of things to buy.


  (缺点) (58)   some shops cheat people.

  Shoppers (59)   try on clothes in online shops.

  Window shopping is great

  (60)   .

  六. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空词数不限。 (每小题3分,共15分)

  61. 每天五点半的时候,奶奶都在公交车站等我。

  My grandma waits for me           at 5:30 every day.

  62. 等一会,我想带个购物袋。

  ! I want to take a shopping bag.

  63. 我的礼物和你的不一样。

  My present is          .

  64. 这个公园是个会友的好地方。

  This park is          .

  65. 我想买两双鞋子。

  I would like to buy         .

  七. 书面表达 (15分)

  新来的交流生想了解一下本地的购物点,请根据下面的提示,用70词左右的篇幅简单向他介绍本地最大的New Times Shopping Mall。开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

  Location: Near the centre of the city

  F1: Supermarket

  F2: Shoes shops

  F3: Clothes shops and a toy shop

  F4: A cinema and a sports shop

  I think the best place for shopping here is the New Times Shopping Mall.

  This shopping mall is really nice. I think you can have fun there.


  1-5 BBACC 6-10 DCBDD 11-15 CACBC

  16-20 DBDAC 21-25 CDDAB 26-30 CDADA

  31-35 ADCCC

  36. wallet 37. stamp 38. restaurant 39. poor

  40. down 41. most 42. carries 43. are

  44. to meet 45. matches 46. fits me well 47. try on

  48. Just a minute 49. pocket money 50. change

  51. more 52. computers 53. easy

  54. open 55. out 56. pay

  57. different 58. Maybe/Sometimes

  59. can’t 60. fun

  61. at the bus stop

  62. Just/Wait a minute

  63. different from yours

  64. a good place to meet friends

  65. two pairs of shoes

  One possible version:

  I think the best place for shopping here is the New Times Shopping Mall.

  It’s near the centre of the city. There are lots of shops in it. It is a supermarket on the ground floor. There are many shoes shops on the first floor and clothes shops on the second floor. You can also buy toys on the second floor. Some sports shops are on the third floor. If you want to see a film in your free time, go to the third floor, too.

  This shopping mall is really nice. I think you can have fun there.



