



  一. 1-5 BDCAC 6-10 BACBC 11-15 DABBC

  二. 1-5 BCACB 6-10CDDAB

  三. 1-5 DDACA 6-10 BBDCA 11-15 CAEDB

  四. 1. rules 2. hurt 3. lost 4. hungry 5. stop

  五.1. education 2. badly 3. entering 4. lifted 5. chance21032

  六. 1. talks back 2. to make your own decision 3. get in the way of

  4. part-time jobs 5. achieve your dream

  七. 1. wished 2. closed 3. peaceful 4. eyes 5. them

  6. buildings 7. But 8. stores 9. was used to 10. asked

  八. One possible version:


  Welcome to our museum! Please obey the following rules.

  The museum is a quiet place, so you shouldn’t talk loudly or run. In order to keep the museum room clean, you aren’t allowed to eat snacks or smoke. What’s more, to protect the exhibits, you can’t touch them or take photos of them. Besides, you should turn off your mobile phones during your visit. Watch carefully and if you want to know more about the exhibits, please ask the tour guide.

  Have a good time here!


1.九年级上册英语unit 7期末复习题


3.初三英语全册Unit 13单元检测题和答案
