




  1. Is he your friend Li Lei?

  2. Does your brother like bananas?

  3. Can you spell your name?

  4. What’s that in English?

  5. What’s three and eight?

  Ⅱ. 听对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。

  6. W:Who is your art teacher?

  M:My art teacher is Miss Zhang.

  7. W:How much is the dress?

  M:It’s 15 dollars.

  8. W:My birthday is on October 9th. What about you?

  M:It’s on October 11th.

  W:When is Lucy’s birthday?

  M:It’s on October 10th.

  9. M:Do you like milk?

  W:Yes,I do.

  M:Why do you like it?

  W:I think it’s good for my health.

  10.W:Where are the pencils? Are they on the desk?

  M:No, they’re in the pencil box.


  M:Hi,Kate!How are you?

  W:I’m not fine. We have history today.

  M:Oh,no,you are wrong. It’s Tuesday, not Wednesday.


  M:Don’t you like history?

  W:No.I think it’s boring.

  M:Then what subject do you like best?

  W:Math.It’s difficult but interesting. I love Monday because we have two math classes on Monday. What subject do you like best, Peter?

  M:I like music best. I like playing the piano and I can play it well.


  My brother is Jeff. He is a middle school student. He is fourteen years old. His birthday is on July 2nd. Jeff is in Class One, Grade Nine. His favorite subject is English. He doesn’t like math. He thinks it’s very difficult. His favorite color is green. So my parents usually buy green clothes for him. Jeff likes basketball. And he plays it very well. But he can’t play baseball. He wants to join the baseball club. Jeff is good to his friends. If you want to make friends with him,you can call him at 896-6781.

  1~5 CCBBC 6~10 ABBCC

  11.Wednesday 12.Difficult but interesting 13.Two

  14.Music 15.Playing the piano 16.July 2nd 17.Basketball 18.The baseball club

  19.English 20.896-6781

  二、1.C How are you?是询问身体状况的句型,故选C。

  2.A 由答语可知问句应是询问年龄,故选How old。

  3.B 由问句中的trousers可知答语中应用they代替,跟在they后的be动词用复数are。

  4.B like to do sth.意为“喜欢做某事”;listen to music意为“听音乐”。

  5.A 第一个句子为一般疑问句,句中谓语动词用原形;第二个句子中,she为主语,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故选A。

  6.B 一日三餐前应用介词for。

  7.A Lily and Mary是复数,用助动词do构成一般疑问句。

  8.D 由问句“你爸爸的生日是什么时候?”可知D项符合题意。

  9.B 由问句“你为什么不喜欢历史”可知B项符合题意。

  10.B let’s后接动词原形,意为“让我们做……吧”。

  11.A 由答语可知,应用助动词does,且句中动词用原形go。

  12.C about是介词,其后可接动词-ing形式。

  13.B “回家”为go home;根据主语Zhang Heng可知,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式goes。

  14.D want to do sth.是固定结构,意为“想要做某事”。

  15. A A项“非常感谢”;B项“你也一样”;C项“你是对的”;D项“不客气”。当别人祝贺自己生日快乐时应表示感谢,故选A。

  三、1.A 此题用排除法可知,B、C、D不符合原文意思,只有A项“便宜的”正确。

  2.C 此题主要考查介词的用法,有各种颜色要用介词in。

  3.B see“看见”;need“需要”;take“拿走”;bring“带来”。由句意“你需要运动或上学用的包吗?”可知选B。

  4.A 此题考查介词的用法。根据短文大意应用介词for“值(卖)”,也就是对于这些东西来说每件仅售20元。

  5.A 根据句意“你相信吗?”可知应选A项。

  6.A get up意为“起床”。

  7.C 从文中时间判断应是“吃早饭”。

  8.A “读”动词应用read。

  9.C take a bus意为“乘公共汽车”。

  10.B 主语she是第三人称单数,其后谓语动词也用第三人称单数形式。

  四、1.B 由John is only four. 可知约翰4岁。

  2.A 由第二段可知南希找不到她的钢笔了。

  3.C 由She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom. 可知约翰在他的卧室里。

  4.D 由Peter can’t read. 可知D项错误。

  5.A 由I’m writing to my friend, Peter. 可知约翰和彼得是朋友。

  6.A 由文中She lives in London.可知答案。

  7.D 由文中She likes learning English.可知答案。

  8.D 由文中She is a bright girl.可知答案。

  9.C 由文中After school, she often reads newspapers with her grandmother.可知答案。 10.B 由文中最后一句可知她九点半去睡觉。



  13.A Chinese此处意为“中国的”。

  14.They don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday.

  15.Yes, they are.

  五、1.email 2.classmates 3.eighth 4.difficult 5.everywhere

  6. libraries  7.May 8.healthy  9.relaxing 10.really

  六、One possible version:

  This week, I am very busy because I have many things to do. On Monday morning, I have English. I think English is interesting. On Tuesday afternoon, I have science. On Wednesday morning, I have biology. It’s boring, but on Thursday afternoon, I practice music. On Friday afternoon, I practice English. On Saturday morning, I go shopping with my mother. On Sunday afternoon, I play football with my friends. What a busy but fun week I have!




