




  A or B


  An increasing number of people begin to realize/ complain/ question that...

  OR: The majority of people tend to have a favorable/ an unfavorable attitude towards something

  OR: XXX has now caused wide public concern

  OR: When it comes to... people often consider...

  The thing is, which XXX, A or B, (is a more efficient mean of learning/ what do we mean by)? People may give various answers to this question.

  OR:Ask people… and they may give a diverse of answers based on their individual value systems

  Some believe that… while others/ some claim… On balance, my favor goes to A.


  To begin with, I concede that B serves as an independent factor in (a successful education)/ is of great value/ B is superior to A since

  After all,

  However compelling these cases may sound, B is not without its problems.

  OR: However compelling these cases may sound, they cannot overshadow the significant role that

  A plays in XX. For example,

  In this sense,

  Therefore, too much emphasis on B is actually dangerous/ harmful and may go contrary to our primary purpose of

  On the other hand, A can address/ respond to some people’s needs that B cannot

  For one thing, For another,


  In the final analysis, it is true that both A and B are part and parcel of X. However, considering the potential problems resulted from B and the great benefits of A, I believe it is sensible to (choose A)


  我们主要看托福独立写作(也就是托福大作文)。托福独立写作满分标准: ·Effectively addresses the topic and task. ·Is well-organized and well-developed, using clear appropriate explanation, exemplification, and/or details. ·Displays unity, progression, and coherence. ·Display consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical erros.


  1. 先是不要离题

  2. 其次结构严谨

  3. 还要论证统一和层层递进

  3. 最好是用词贴切;允许少量的拼写和语法错误。



  1. Introduction: Background, 引入话题;

  Statement of the issue, 大众的看法如何;

  Thesis Statement, 自己的观点。

  2. Body Paragraphs:

  Topic Sentence.

  Supporting Sentence

  1. Supporting Sentence

  2. Supporting Sentence

  3. Supporting Sentence n. Example (s). (Summary)

  3. Conclusion:

  Rewrite the thesis statement. Restate the ideas. Prediction.

  此处如果有看不懂的英文,说明1. 你没经过正统的写作训练



  1、It’s generally agreed that ... ... (人们普遍认为... ...)

  2、There is a growing body of opinion that ... ... (越来越多的人认为... ...)

  3、An increasing number of people have the tendency to believe that ... ... (越来越多的人倾向于认为... ...)

  4、Some people, especially the old, believe that ... ... (一些人,尤其是老人,认为... ...)

  5、Other people, the young in particular, argue that ... ... (别的人,尤其是年轻人,认为... ...)

  6、Some current analyses conclude that ... ... (当下的一些分析表明... ...)

  7、... ... is a heated topic in our times. (... ...是我们这个时代火热的一个话题)

  8、The topic about ... ... has been raging for decades. (关于... ...的话题已经风行几十年了)

  9、... ... is an eternal/a perpetual topic in our daily lives. (... ...是我们日常生活中一个永恒的话题)

  10、... ... is one of the most talked about topics in the contemporary society. (... ...是当代社会讨论最多的话题之一)

  11、Recently, the impact that ... ... has had on our daily lives, in general, is huge and undeniable. (近年来, ... ...对我们日常生活的影响,总的来说,是巨大且不可避免的)

  12、With the gradual perfection and progressive amelioration of ... ..., sweeping changes have been brought into our lives. (随着... ...的不断完善和进一步提高,人们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化)

  13、In terms of ... ..., sometimes we find ourselves in dilemmas. (谈到... ...时,我们有时候会发现自己左右为难)


  14、I am totally convinced that ... ... (我百分百确信... ...)

  15、I personally tend to believe that ... ... (我个人倾向于认为... ...)

  16、From my perspective, ... ... is without doubt a better option. (依我看,... ...毫无疑问是个更好的选择)

  17、According to the evidence offered above, I can hardly agree that ... ... (综合以上证明,我很难同意... ...)

  18、With respect to ... ..., I am pretty sure that I’m on the same/opposite side of it. (关于... ...,我很确定是站在正/反方的立场)

  19、Although it’s no simple task for us to make a prudent and satisfying choice, I still wholeheartedly believe that ... ... (尽管对于我们来说,做一个谨慎友令人满意的选择是很困难的,但是我仍然全心全意地相信... ...)


  20、There is no consensus on whether...yet. (关于是否该... ...,现在仍然没有一个定论)

  21、Whether...is an issue open to debate. (是否该... ...,这是一个有待讨论的问题)

  22、Whether...is a boon or bane is still open to debate. (... ...是好是坏/是对是错,这有待讨论)

  23、The issue of whether…has triggered intense debate. (是否该... ...,这个问题引发了一个激烈的讨论)

  24、The debate over whether...has been going on for a long time. (关于... ...的讨论已经持续很长时间了)

  25、When it comes to ... ..., people tend to hold different viewpoints. (当谈到... ...的时候,人们倾向于持有不同的观点)

  26、Most of the public tend to advocate that ... ... ,while I doubt whether the argument needs more analyses. (大多数人倾向于主张... ..., 但是我认为这有待进一步讨论)


  27、It’s undeniable that ... ... (不可否认的是... ...)

  28、It’s indisputable that ... ... (不可否认的是... ...)

  29、One indisputable fact is that ... ... (不可否认的是... ...)

  30、We can’t deny the fact that ... ... (不可否认的是... ...)






