





  You have the opportunity to visit a foreigncountry for two weeks. Which country wouldyou like to visit? Use specific reasons and detailsto explain your choice.

  Model Essay(范文):

  If I could visit any foreign country, I’d like to visitIreland. The scenery there is so beautiful . Irelandhas a lot of rain and that makes everything very green and lush . It hasn’t become a completelyindustrialized country yet, so there are still areas where the countryside is unspoiled bypollution. Often ,you can drive for miles without seeing another car or coming to a big city. I’dlike to take my set of paints and several canvases and try to capture some of the scenes there.It seems every way you turn, you’re looking at beautiful scenery. The area near the ocean isespecially dramatic, with giant dark cliffs rising out of the water.

  I also think I’d enjoy the slower pace of Ireland. It’s so different from the busy pace of mycountry . Of course, Ireland’s big cities are just as hectic as any big city anywhere. But many ofthe Irish live in smaller towns or on farms in rural areas. Visiting these places is very restful.People don’t feel the need to stick to a schedule . Things get done , but in a much morerelaxed fashion. In my country ,there’s the feeling that you’re always late for something. InIreland ,it feels like you’ve never late because no one stays on schedule.

  Most of all, it would be interesting for me to meet the cousins in my mother’s family. They live inDonegal . I could see the house where my grandmother grew up and where my cousins still live.This house is connected to a lighthouse. Visiting there would give me a clearer idea of what mygrandmother ‘s childhood was like.

  Ireland would be a refreshing break from the life I lead in my own country. I wish I could gothere.



  Plants can provide food, shelter, clothing ,ormedicine. What is one kind of plant that isimportant to you or the people in your country?Use specific reasons and details to support yourchoice.

  Model Essay(范文):

  The coconut tree is a very important plant in my country. Coconut tree plantations areimportant sources of revenue ,food and shelter.

  Our country earns a lot of money from the export of coconut tree products like copra,coconuts, coconuts oil , and coconut milk . This has been the main sources of our foreignexchange for over a century . In fact, many of the coconut plantations were planted by variouscolonial power and now, since independence, are run by our own citizens .

  We not only export the food products of the coconut tree ,we eat them ourselves too. Thecoco is the basis of much of our national cuisine, we are famous for our curries made rich bycoconut milk .We also use the oil to fry our foods as well as to add shine to our skin and hair.

  The fronds of the coconut tree are also used to cover the walls and roofs of temporaryshelters. The breezes pass through the fronds and cool the interior ,but the heavy rains, whichfall daily , do not enter.

  The coconut tree is a very versatile and useful plant .It is a tree that has served our countrywell.



  The twentieth century saw great change. Inyour opinion, what is one change that should beremembered about the twentieth century? Usespecific reasons and details to explain yourchoice.

  Model Essay(范文):

  There have been many changes ,both technological and cultural, in the twentieth century. Ibelieve that one stands out above the rest :advances in medical science. The changes in medicalscience go together with the changes in technological and cultural areas. One can move aheadonly with the help of the others. We can see the results of medical advances in three areas:development of vaccines and antibiotics, expanded access to health care , and improvedsurgical techniques.

  When medical researchers learned how to prevent disease and stop it from spreading, thequality of life for many people around the world improved. Today smallpox is a forgottendisease and vaccinations are no longer required. Polio is under control and the vaccine iswidely available . The development of penicillin has helped many people recover from seriousillness.

  Although health care is not universal even in developed countries, it is much better than itused to be. Local clinics, visiting nurses and specially hospitals have all improved the health carefor our communities.

  If you should be unfortunate and require surgery : you are still lucky to have the surgerytoday rather than even ten years ago. Now with microscopic and laser surgery, operationsare more efficient. You spend less time in the hospital and you recover faster.

  I can’t think of any other change that has affected the lives of so many people. Our health isimportant to all of us. We all are thankful for advances in the area of medical science.






