


  不计付出,坚韧不拔;不达目的,誓不罢休。祝高考顺利 !下面是学习啦小编为大家推荐的高考英语全国卷2,仅供大家参考!






  1. How does the woman usually go to work?

  A. By car. B.By bus. C.By subway.

  2. When will the train leave?

  A. At about nine. B.At about ten. C.About eleven.

  3. What will the man do next?

  A.Make a grocery list.

  B.Do some cooking.

  C. Fetch something for the woman.

  4. How many workers worked on the bridge yesterday?

  A.80. B.100. C.120.

  5. What can we infer about the house that used to belong to Mark?

  A.Its price has risen.

  B. Its price stays the same.

  C. Its price has gone down.

  第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



  6. Which of the following main courses is mentioned in the conversation?

  A. Fish. B.Beef. C.Pork.

  7. How does the woman order her food?

  A. By ringing up the restaurant.

  B. By showing up on the spot.

  C. By asking her friend to help her.

  听第 7段材料,回答第 8.9题。

  8. How does the man like to live?

  A. He is fond of living alone.

  B. He prefers to live a rich life.

  C. He likes living an independent life.

  9. Who lives in New York City?

  A. The woman.

  B. The man's son.

  C. The woman's child.

  10. What is the most probably relationship between Sylvia and Dr. Morris?

  A. Colleagues. B. Neighbors. C. Family members.

  11. When will Mr. Woods see Dr. Morris?

  A. This week. B. At 2:00 pm today. C. Next week.

  12. Why does Sylvia ask Mr. Woods if he has a pen handy?

  A. To write down where the new office is.

  B. To write down the time when he can see Dr. Morris

  C. To write down the address of Dr. Morris' house

  13. Where does the man come from?

  A. San Francisco. B. Houston. C. Southern California.

  14. Which school are the speakers in now?

  A. Berkeley. B. Austin. C. Stanford.

  15. What do the speakers have in common?

  A. Both of them are freshmen.

  B. They share the same major.

  C. They come from the same state.

  16. What does the woman want to major in?

  A. Political science.

  B. Electric engineering.

  C. English literature.

  听第 10段材料 ,回答第 17至 20题。

  17. Which of the following is true about Wikipedia?

  A It has over 5 million articles.

  B. There are 2. 6 billion words in it.

  C. More than 2 million volunteers help to write it.

  18. What is the purpose of the project?

  A. To break a record.

  B. To make more money.

  C. To show how big Wikipedia is.

  19. Where may the books be stored in the end?

  A. In a library.

  B. In a museum.

  C. In a publishing house.

  20. What is the passage mainly about?

  A. A general introduction to Wikipedia. com.

  B. PediaPress intends to print all of the articles from Wikipedia. com.

  C. People would like to refer to Wikipedia for information.





  It was the men's skating finals of the Winter Olympics when l was 16. Someday I'd be in the Olympics. In fact, it was my dream.

  That night I lay on our living room floor excitedly watching the battle between the Brians: American Brian Boitano facing Brian Orser in Canada. Both of them had been world champions. Both of them deserved to win. Naturally l was for Brian Boitano,a northern Californian like me. We had skated on the same ice. I held my breath in amazement. Boitano performed successfully. The gold medal! I jumped in the air when his score went up.

  But what happened next is what I'll never forget. Brian Boitano sat in front of the camera with his coach, surrounded by a group of journalists. He was talking about his career and his medal, talking to the whole world. A terrible sinking feeling went through me. I could never be in the Olympics, I thought. I could not talk in public like that. Just the idea of a press conference terrified me.

  I loved skating partly because I didn't have to talk. I could express myself with my jumps and dances better. I didn't have to stand up and give a speech like some teachers expected. I could feel the blood rush to my face if I thought a teacher was going to call me. I stared at my shoes. I was sure I'd make a fool of myself.

  The next day l was at the rink(溜冰场)as usual.1 was practising a combination of jumps that had once seemed impossible. 1 worked very hard the next few years - on the ice and especially off. After journalists talked to me and although my heart pounded every time I spoke to them, I got to know them. They became familiar faces. And they got to know me.

  So when my big moment came four years after Brian's, I was ready.

  Sometimes I think my biggest accomplishment was not winning the gold but talking to the press afterwards. When you do the thing you fear most, you put an end to fear.

  Fear can stop you dead in your tracks. Fear can kill a dream. What are you afraid of?

  What scares you more than anything else? This year, walk right up to it and conquer it, step by step.

  21. What information can we get from the second paragraph?

  A. The author lived a hard life.

  B. The author comes from Canada.

  C. The author once skated with Orser.

  D. The author wished Boitano to win the match.

  22. What is one of the reasons why the author liked skating according to the passage?

  A. She could build up her body to be healthier.

  B. It could help her to get closer to her idol.

  C. She could better express herself with body language.

  D. The possibility of her being a world champion was great.

  23. What the author felt the most satisfied with is that .

  A. she lived up to her coach's expectations

  B. she became a world champion as planned

  C. she managed to overcome her inner fear eventually

  D. she handled the balance between her career and life

  24. What does the author mainly want to tell us?

  A. Face a fear bravely. B.Practice makes perfect.

  C. Bad times make a good man. D.Failure is the mother of success.


  Top five best dressed at the Oscars

  No. 5, Keisha Whitaker. I'm still loving yellow.

  No. 4, Witherspoon seems to be making Best Dressed lists for every event she attends this season.

  No. 3, Nicole Kidman looked amazing. And honestly, she would have been higher on my list if her dress hadn't had that bow(蝴蝶结 ) thing off to the side that depending on the angle she was standing at, looked like a pirate parrot sitting on her shoulder.

  No. 2, Cate Blanchett, Armani, simple, yet not boring. And I love the gun metal grey color.

  And this year's No. 1 Best dressed goes to Penelope Cruz. She gets the No. I spot for actually taking a chance, and pulling it off. On a different person, her dusty rose colored Versace could have easily been on the Worst Dressed List. But she looks perfect. www.2abc8.com

  Top five worst dressed at the Oscars

  The No. 5 Worst Dressed person was Kirsten Dunst. The dress itself was nice, or at least I'm sure it was fashionable. Maybe it would be on anyone but Kirsten, but she ended up looking like a deflated corpse(尸体).

  No. 4 goes to Gwyneth Paltrow. Her face looked great, but every time the camera cut to a full body shot, it was like "Huh. The dress looks bad. "No. 3, Anne Hthaway. Giant bows are very rarely a good idea, yet everyone keeps wearing them. Anne's bow looked OK at times, but from other angles looked like a large, dead, fuzzy black moth(蛾) on her chest.

  No. 2, Kelly Preston wearing Dolce &. Gabbana leopard print. I'm sorry, it's the leopard print. I can't handle it. And nice hair.

  And the No. 1 Worst Dressed star at this year's Academy Awards was Jessica Biel. At the Oscars, hot pink and a belt can make anyone look tacky. And then you just end up looking like an 80's pop star in a room otherwise full of princesses and one tiny layer cake.

  25. How many best dresses are relevant to color according to the comment?

  A. 2 B. 3 C.4 D. 5

  26. Nicole Kidman would have looked better if .

  A. her dress had had that bow thing off to the side

  B. her dress hadn't had that bow thing off to the side

  C. she had moved that bow thing off to the side

  D. she hadn't moved that bow thing off to the side.

  27. Kirsten Dunst became one of the worst dressed because .

  A. she wore a wrong dress B. the dress was ugly

  C. the color didn't fit her D. the decoration was bad

  28. What does the underlined word "tacky"in the last paragraph mean?

  A. Immature. B. Original. C. Fashionable. D. Tasteless.


  Fifty Japanese graduates decided to gamble with their job opportunities at a mahjong tournament set up by interviewers looking for a different way to choose interviewees. Held in a crammed mahjong outlet in downtown Tokyo, competitors competed against each other on Friday to gain the chance to face interviewers from six companies in the fitness, education, technology and real estate sectors.

  "Mahjong is a very strategic game, so I think people who are good at it would be good at marketing. This is a new approach and I find it really interesting," candidate Tomoko Hasegawa, who desired to become a designer, told Reuters.

  Mahjong, which originated in China, is similar to a western card game, and players in Japan said the game required skill, strategy, calculation and a degree of chance.

  Organizers said the tournaments began in 2012 and had gained popularity, mostly among male students, and also with hirers, who said the game revealed more about the candidates than just long pages of resumes(简历).

  On Friday, eight students advanced to the next round of the selection process. Between five and ten students are hired by participating companies every year, organizers said.

  29. What did hirers mainly want to express in Para. 4?

  A. The rules of the game.

  B. The qualifications of the candidates.

  C. The functions of the tournaments.

  D. The advantages of long pages of resumes.

  30. What is Tomoko Hasegawa's attitude toward mahjong?

  A. A very popular activity.

  B. A competition to win jobs.

  C. A risk of gaining or losing money.

  D. A game related to a set of plans.

  31. Why was the mahjong tournament set up?

  A. For employers to pick out interviewees.

  B. To promote the game of mahjong in Japan.

  C. For college students to show their special talents.

  D. To improve employees' skills and working ability.


  Scientists are debating how to limit their newly-discovered power to change genetic structure. Scientists already modify the genes of farm animals and agricultural plants to make them more productive or stronger. But now they can also change genes in wild animals and plants. These genes would continue into later generations. For example, it may be possible for scientists to remove from existence the kind of mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus. They

  might also be able to permanently remove species of plants and animals that are destructive to other species.

  In a report published last week, the U. S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NAS) said it supports continued research on this kind of gene control. But it warned that it is not possible to know what will happen when these changed plants and animals are released into the wild.

  Sixteen biologists, ethicists(伦理学家) and policymakers are on an NAS committee that is examining the issue. They say that there is value to the new technology. But, they say, there is not enough evidence to support the release of modified organisms (生物体) from the laboratory into nature.

  Many people would support stopping mosquitoes and rats from carrying diseases. But scientists say we must understand the possible scientific, ethical, legal and social results of such action before we decide whether to take it. Gene modification is spread through reproduction(繁殖).

  Changed genes will continue to spread as long as an animal or plant continues to reproduce. They cannot be limited to a farm or kept within a country's borders. Scientists are wondering what may happen if a modified organism mates with another species. They are not yet sure how the modified genes would affect the other species. It is possible that those genes could harm those creatures or even lead to their disappearance from our planet.

  32. What possible advantage does gene control in wild animals and plants have?

  A. Changing the Zika virus permanently.

  B. Removing the destructive species for ever.

  C. Having changed genes in their next generations.

  D. Making all the species more productive and stronger.

  33. As for genetically changed wild animals and plants ,what are scientists worried about?

  A. They may become weaker or die out.

  B. They may be more productive.

  C. They may cause damage to their living habitat.

  D. Their genes may spread to later generations.

  34. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. Scientists are not sure what exact results gene modification leads to.

  B. Scientists won't modify any genes before they make the final decision.

  C. Gene modification has benefited some farm animals and agricultural plants.

  D. Scientists have not applied gene modification to wild animals and plants in case of possible danger.

  35. What can be the best title for the passage?

  A. Stop research on gene control

  B. How to change genetic structure

  C. Power and danger of gene control

  D. Advantages of gene control in wild animals and plants



  Speaking is not equal to learning

  1. You don't need to study grammar too much.

  The first suggestion may sound strange to many students who begin to learn English, but it is exactly important. 36 However, if you want to speak fluently, you should try to speak English without thinking too much of grammar. Studying grammar will only slow you down and make you hesitate. You will think about the grammar rules instead of naturally saying a sentence like a native.

  2. You can't translate every word.

  When you try to speak English, you do not need to translate every word from your mother tongue. 37 Another problem you may meet is that you will misuse grammar rules that you have learned in your mother language.

  3. 38

  The reason why many people can learn well is that they often practise. But in order to speak English fluently, you need to practise speaking. When you study, don't just listen.

  Speak out loud the material you are listening to and practise what you hear. Practise speaking out loud until your mouth and brain can do it without any effort. 39

  4. You should study correct material.

  A phrase you often hear is, "Practice makes perfect." This is not completely true.

  Practice only makes what you are practising permanent. If you practise the incorrect sentence, you will have perfected saying the sentence incorrectly.40

  A. You should try to speak fluently.

  B. You need to practise speaking what you hear.

  C. By doing so, you will be able to speak English fluently.

  D. If you want to pass examinations, you should study grammar well.

  E. If you listen more, you can speak correctly and fluently sooner or later.

  F. Therefore, it is important that you study material that is commonly used by mostpeople.

  G. The order of words is probably completely different and you may be both slow and incorrect by doing this.




  People are always asking what the most important element to a healthy relationship is.

  The 41 is there are many. But there is one really important thing that all great and healthy relationships have in common-_42 . Yes, of course, there are some little 43 lies even in the best of relationships-44 surprises or unexpected birthday parties-but the truth is that happy couples communicate honestly and don't 45 to protect their own interests. So how can you have more open 46 in your own relationship?

  First, remember that honesty is the best policy even 47 your partner might not like what you have to say. Yes, it may be 48 to tell your guy that you don't like one of his friends. But Lying or holding things 49 will make things worse in the long run.

  The next thing to be 50 is to say what you have to say 51 . If your partner feels 52 ,he will be less 53 to what you have to say and may even become defensive. Your delivery is of utmost importance when you are discussing sensitive issues. Think through what you want to say 54 before you bring it up. You don't want to 55 the person that you love. You just want them to be 56 0f the truth.

  One last thing to keep in mind about communicating openly is that it enhances your relationship. If you aren't honest about any dirty little 57 you may have, they will probably come up eventually and 58 you in the backside. And if you keep things to yourself, your relationship will not be based on the truth, which 5 9 a solid foundation.

  Hard 60 the truth may be sometimes, honesty really is the best policy.

  41.A.phenomenon B.truth C.theory D.evidence

  42.A.honesty B.enthusiasm C.cooperation D.persistence

  43.A.red B. purple C.white D.black

  44.A security B.privilege C.anniversary D.ambition

  45.A.lie B.bargain C.complain D.interact

  46.A.appreciation B.reputation C.selection D.communication

  47.A.why B.when C.how D.where

  48.A.tough B.immediate C.complicated D.plain

  49.A.in B.on C.above D.back

  50.A.serious about B.proud of C.expert at D.worthy of

  51.A.obviously B.rudely C.nicely D.smoothly

  52.A. puzzled B.attacked C.astonished D.satisfied

  5 3.A. creative B.relative C.sensitive D.receptive

  54.A.slightly B.thoroughly C.frequently D.briefly

  55.A.suspect B.convince C.insult D.frighten

  5 6.A. afraid B.aware C.ashamed D.capable

  5 7.A. uniforms B.secrets C.blankets D.courts

  58.A. train B.consult C.understand D.bite

  59.A.picks out B.turns on C.makes for D.comes across

  60.A.although B.while C.until D.as


  第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  Are human beings born equal? We may say "yes" almost without hesitation. But just consider what your first reaction is when you see a dwarf walking along the street. Do you look upon him 61 an equal? Probably no. To the world, he is 62 "abnormal creature" 63 (belong) to a minority that includes those 64 can't see, talk or hear. It may seem that they are born to be gossiped(闲聊)about and 65 (glare) at. Always citizens 66 ( educate) to take care of and show respect for handicapped people. 67 ,let's examine our own conscience. From the bottom of our hearts, do we sincerely treat 68 (they) equally?

  Why do we still laugh when we watch__69 (unusual) short clowns in a circus show? The only reason is that, to us, they are funny and amusing. Then, we realize that the only result of education is that we learn to hide our curiosity and our__70 (impolite) towards those people.









  This is my very first visit to China, and I'm there to witness with my own eyes the magically power of the once very remote oriental dragon. You can imagine how exciting I was before I received your invitation to join you in your project. Back in those of my college day, a professor introduced me the wealth of Confucianism and Taoism. And during that period he plants in the depth of my mind the China dream, where I am here to realize today. I'm also

  very happy that it is this visit which has given me an excellent opportunity to convey it to you and to your people the warm greetings and sincere wishes.






  Dear Mr. Smith,


  Li Hua


  1-5 CBABC 6-10 BACBA 11-15 CABAA 16-20 CBCAB

  21.D 推理判断题。根据第二段:Naturally l was for Brian Boitano, a northern Californian like me可得答案。

  22.C 推理判断题。根据第四段:I loved skating partly because I didn't have to talk. I could express myself

  with my jumps and dances better可知答案。

  23.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段:Sometimes I think my biggest accomplishment was not winning the gold

  but talking to the press afterwards可得答案。

  24.A事实判断题。根据全文尤其是最后一段:Fear can stop you dead in your track. Fear can kill a dream和

  …walk right up to it and conquer it,step by step可知答案。

  25.B细节理解题。根据No.5涉及yellow, No.2涉及the gun metal grey color和No.1涉及her dusty rose

  colored Versace可知答案。

  26.B 事实判断题。根据No.3,Nicole Kidman looked amazing. And honestly, she would have been higher on

  my list if her dress hadn't had that bow(蝴蝶结)thing off to the side可知答案。

  27.A 推理判断题。根据The dress itself was nice, or at least I'm sure it was fashionable. Maybe it would be

  on anyone but Kirsten, but she ended up looking like a deflated corpse可得答案。

  28.D词意猜测题。根据最后一段:And the No.1 Worst Dressed star at this year's Academy Awards was

  Jessica Biel前面提到Jessica Biel的装束hot pink and a belt可推出该词是“俗气的,乏味的”的意思。



  30.D推理判断题。根据第二段第一句话:”Mahjong is a very strategic game可知答案。

  31.A 事实判断题。根据第一段:…set up by interviewers looking for a different way to choose interviewees可


  32.B 事实判断题。根据第一段:They might also be able to permanently remove species of plants and animals

  that are destructive to other species可得答案。

  33.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段:It is possible that those genes could harm those creatures or even lead to

  their disappearance from our planet可知答案。

  34.B 细节理解题。根据第一段:Scientists already modify the genes of farm animals and agricultural plants to

  make them more productive or stronger可得答案。

  35.C 标题猜测题。根据第一段:Scientists already modify the genes of farm animals and agricultural plants to

  make them more productive or stronger和They might also be able to permanently remove species of plants

  and animals that are destructive to other species和最后一段:They are not yet sure how the modified genes

  would affect the other species. It is possible that those genes could harm those creatures or even lead to their

  disappearance from our planet可得答案。

  36-40 DGBCF









  49.D但是从长远来看,撒谎或者隐瞒事情会让事情变得更糟糕。hold back“隐瞒”的意思。










  59.C如果你把事情藏在心底,你的关系不是建立在事实之上,而事实有助于建立坚实的基础。make for导



  61. as 62. an 63. belonging 64. wh0 65. glared 66. are educated 67. However 68. them 69. unusually 70 impoliteness


  1.there改为here 2.magically改为magical 3. exciting改为excited 4. before改为when/after 5.day改为days 6.me后面加to 7. plants改为planted 8. where改为which 9. which改为that 10.去掉it


  Dear Mr. Smith,

  I'm writing to ask a favor of you. With the New Year's Day approaching, a party will be held to celebrate this important festival. And this year is no exception. A great many wonderful performances will be shown on the stage. Students in our class intend to put on a short play which is adapted from an English novel. Now we have finished adapting this play. Fully prepared as we are, we still feel puzzled about the use of certain words in the script.

  May we have the honor to ask you for some guidance? Meanwhile, we feel it a great honor to invite you to play a role in the play. If you are available, could we meet to talk about it in the school hall at 5 o'clock next Monday afternoon: I We'd appreciate it if you could do us the favor.


  Li Hua






