





  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


  第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


  1. When did the man begin to wait at the subway station?

  A. At 7 o’ clock B. At 8 o’ clock C. At 9 o’ clock

  2. What will the weather be like in April according to the man?

  A. Cool B. Hot C. Windy

  3. Where are the speakers?

  A. In an office B. In a restaurant C. At the subway station

  4. What is the man’s problem?

  A. He’s not accustomed to the large building

  B. He can’t find a bigger apartment

  C. He can’t find his new building

  5. What do the speakers say about heights?

  A. Both of them have overcome their fear

  B. They are both afraid of high places now

  C. Both of them prefer high places these days

  第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



  6. What does the man usually do in the evening?

  A. He studies his lessons B. He listens to music C. He watches a film on TV

  7. What does the man usually do on weekends?

  A. He goes to parks B. He goes to ball games C. He goes shopping


  8. At what age is a person allowed to drink in America?

  A. 18 B. 20 C. 21

  9. What does one need to do in his birthday celebration?

  A. Just enjoy the special day B. Take care of everything C. Pay the bills


  10. Why does the company fire Jim?

  A. There is a crisis and a new machine

  B. He is always late for work

  C. He’s not up to the job

  11. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A. Headmaster and teacher B. Manager and secretary C. Director and actress

  12. What can we learn about the man speaker?

  A. He has ever been dismissed

  B. He needn’t talk to Jim himself

  C. He asked Sara to work here


  13.What is the survey about?

  A. Family life B. Unusual hobbies C. Holiday activities

  14. What is the man interested in?

  A. Special exhibitions B. Bird shooting C. Mountain climbing

  15. What do we know about the man’s parents?

  A. They live with the man B. They like to stay at home C. They are into art galleries

  16. Where does the man’s wife prefer to go?

  A. The seaside B. Castles C. Ski resorts


  17. What’s the highest temperature in southern areas today?

  A. 16oC B. 23 o C C. 27 o C

  18. What will the weather be like in the northwest tomorrow morning?

  A. Sunny B. Cloudy C. Windy

  19. When will it be rainy in most of the southern half of the country?

  A. This evening B. Tomorrow afternoon C. Tomorrow evening

  20. What will keep temperatures in the north down to about 19 o C?

  A. The fog C. The storms C. The east wind第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




  An increasing number of children in England are being expelled(开除)from school. Supported by UK Youth, the Macclesfield Youth Achievement Foundation is aimed at children either excluded or at risk of exclusion. The prograamme relies on a combination of skills training and activities outside the classroom.

  I arrived at the local fire station with Kevin Bradburne, the programme’s head. Inside sat smiling students dressed in fire uniforms and ready to learn about road safety. Two of them, however, refused to join in. being unwilling to get involved is common. Few of the students aged 13-16 are used to a normal academic timetable. Two of them have had just four hours of home education a week over the past two years, while many of the others spent long periods getting suspended(停学). As the teenagers rushed out of class for a break, one of them paused to hold open the door for me. When he ran to join his friends, his teachers watched him proudly. The smallest breakthrough can mean a great deal. At the Macclesfield Youth Achievement Foundation, a simple raised hand is cause for celebration.

  “They’re frustrated and angry, and they don’t know what to do about their feelings,” said Kevin Bradburne. “We have to help them.”

  The programmed offers a diversity of solutions to its twelve students. The day starts with a proper breakfast, and activities may then alternate between problem-solving, painting the classroom, spending time with teachers and growing vegetables. Feedback from the children varies from hour to hour. “I’d rather be at school getting suspended all day,” said Megan as her request to go down for lunch was denied. Tom was more positive. “It’s so much better than school,” he said. Attendance rate here stands at 93%.

  The scheme’s success lies in the teachers’ efforts to build self—confidence and skills for the children. However, Mr Bradburne worries about what will happen when the financial support expires (终止). UK Youth has only three years of funding the Department for Children, Schools and families.

  21. Which of the following is NOT true about Macclesfied Youth Achievement Foundation?

  A. It is aimed at students either excluded or at risk of exclusion

  B. It hasn’t proved successful, since attendance rate is low

  C. It provides skills training and activities outside school

  D. It is supported by UK Youth

  22. We learn from paragraph 2 that the students are unwilling to get involved because _________.

  A. most of them are frustrated and angry

  B. most of them have never been to school

  C. few of them have learned about road safety

  D. few of them are used to a normal academic timetable

  23. What do the students think of the scheme?

  A. They have mixed opinions

  B. They think it’s better than school

  C. They think it’s boring and meaningless

  D. They think it’s interesting but not helpful

  24. What will the author most probably discuss in the next part?

  A. Courses the scheme offers B. Difficulties the scheme faces

  C. Solutions the scheme provides D. Achievements the scheme has madeB

  (1)Perfect Time Management(.99) By Ted Johns

  Paperback/ Random House 99---RH 150

  Managing your time effectively means getting more out of everything you do. This book shows you simply and quickly how to master the techniques and skills that are important in taking control of your time and your life. If you can cut down on the time you spend meeting people, talking on the phone, writing and reading reports, you can use the time saved for really important parts of your job.

  (2) Perfect business Plan(.99) By Ron Johnson

  Paperback / Random House 99---RH 151

  A carefully prepared plan is important to the success of any business. Planning ahead means you make better decisions today, and helps you consider as many of the relevant factors as possible. The book provides a set of plans and shows you how to complete it for your own business in 100 short, easy-to-follow steps.

  The writer Ron Johnson is an expert on company running and the management of change.

  (3) The Perfect Career (.99) By Max Eggert

  Paperback/ Random House 99---RH 152

  In a world where job chances are continually becoming smaller and smaller, it’s more important than ever to actively manage your career. The book makes a clear examination of your skill, experiences and values, then it provides practical plans to make you achieve your career goals.

  (4) Perfect Assertiveness(评价)(.99) By Jan Ferguson

  Paperback/ Random House 99---RH 153

  This book helps you to understand more about assertiveness and teaches you to understand more about yourself, the possibility of change and improvement in personal, social, family and workplace relationships.

  25. When you want to find a suitable job, you had better turn to ______.

  A. Perfect Time Management B. The Perfect Business Plan

  C. The Perfect Career D. Perfect Assertiveness

  26. As head of a new company, you may ask advice from ______.

  A. Ted Johns B. Ron Johnson C. Max Eggert D. Jan Ferguson

  27. If you are kept working all day but still not satisfied by your boss, you need to refer to______.

  A. (1) + (3) B. (1) + (4) C. (2) + (3) D. (3) + (4)C

  You need to pay special attention to the fit of any clothing you select to make sure that it not only is the correct size, but that it makes you seem more attractive or better than you really are.

  If you are short, wearing an oversized jacket could “swallow you up”. If you are tall, trousers or sleeves that are too short could make you look and feel awkward.

  If something is too tight, don’t wear it. If you are overweight, it is worse or less attractive to wear horizontal stripes(横条)of clothing that divide the body rather than create a “long” look. But something that looks good on you now is not something you hope to fit into when you’ve lost the weight you’ve been trying to lose for the past five years.

  Don’t buy anything without trying it. Can you sit down and not have the buttons pull in the front? Are the button holes sewn tightly? Can you more around in the clothing? Use a three—way mirror to check the front, back, and side views.

  Men particularly should make sure that the trousers and shirt are not too short. Is the suit jacket long enough to cover the buttocks(臀部)? You should be able to button that double—breasted(双排扣的)jacket, without any pulling, when you are standing. Long—sleeve shirt cuffs(袖口)should show 3/5 to 5/8 of an inch below the jacket even in summer. The tip of the tie should end at the middle of the belt, or no shorter than the belt. The trouser legs should reach the front of the shoes. Women need to avoid any clothing that is too tight, too short, or too girlish. The fit should be one that allows you to be attractive without overemphasizing any particular part of your body, especially the breasts or legs.

  28. What does the underlined part “swallow you up” in Paragraph 2 mean?

  A. Cause you look taller B. Warp you completely

  C. Make you appear smaller D. Prevent you from moving freely

  29. What does the writer suggest in the passage?

  A. The tip of tie should reach below the belt

  B. Shirt cuffs should be a little longer than the jacket

  C. The trouser legs should cover the front of the shoes

  D. Women’s clothing should be the opposite of men’s

  30. We learn form the passage that when choosing clothing, one must _________.

  A. move around in it B. use a three---way mirror

  C. make it fit one’s present body D. sit down and pull the buttons in the front

  31. The clothing discussed in the passage is most likely to be ________.

  A. business dress B. evening dress

  C. casual clothes D. police uniformD

  Can you imagine a closed first as opposed to an open hand? That is the difference between a closed family or group and an open one. The closed one is turned inward and is unkind in judgment and expectations. The open one is welcoming and willing to help others as well as receive help.

  The members in open families are free to express their opinions and make mistakes without losing love. They talk often and freely when expressing their feelings and emotions. They look for new ways to encourage each other and don’t just do what has always been done. The family members ask for help, forgiveness or support when it is needed.

  Strong families provide a sense of shared history and traditions. A family is made up of individuals with different needs and abilities. Those individuals form a group which is more than just the sum of its parts. The members of the family know that someone “ has their back” and will support their actions and respect them.

  Parents and families who only touch by pushing or pulling do not recognize the value of a hug, a kiss or a loving and kind pat on the head. Words and actions of love and acceptance are experienced daily in strong families and then spread to the world. The boundaries and rules of a family are not to keep others out, but to keep members safe by understanding the limits of acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

  Families that are connected are strong in good times and bad. They positively recognize life’s lessons in their successes as well in their failures.

  Human beings have the longest dependency on others compared to any other living creature. We spend our lives in relationships, either toxic or helpful. If the family of origin was not supportive and loving, can you and your family change? The answer is a loud yes.

  32. What’s the best title for the passage?

  A. What Makes a Strong Family

  B. How to Communicate in a Family

  C. A Closed Family and an Open Family

  D. Family Relationships and Responsibilities

  33. What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?

  A. Love and acceptance

  B. Open communication

  C. A sense of “us” and respect for each other

  D. A sense of optimism and hope for the future

  34. What does the underlined word “toxic” in the last paragraph mean?

  A. Hopeful B. Tearful C. Careful D. Harmful

  35. We can infer from the passage that in strong team, all the individuals __________.

  A. look at good and bad times equally and positively

  B. should share the responsibilities and support each other

  C. are required to look for new ways to encourage each other

  D. are supposed to help other members rather than receive help第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  As you know, it is a totally different experience being around positive people versus negative ones. 36

  “Failure is part of learning.”

  ___37 They understand that failure is an event, and doesn’t define who they are. Negative people are emotionally disabled by failure because they allow it to define who they are. They fail to understand that it’s part of the learning and growing process.

  “ 38 ”

  Positive people focus on giving their best effort, regardless of the situation. They understand that there are many things they cannot control, but effort is not one of them. No matter what, the positive people strive to give their best---even if it isn’t much. Negative people want things to come easy to them. If they have to try hard, they believe they just aren’t good at it and give up.

  “People can change.”

  Positive people know that the only thing that doesn’t change is change. They believe that they can change, and that other people can change. Negative people believe that people are fixed; therefore, they don’t try to improve because they believe, “what’s the use?” 39 Once a negative person puts a label on something, it’s very difficult for him to see it in a different way.

  “What’s the bright side?”

  Positive people have an attitude of gratitude. 40 Negative people struggle to see the silver lining in difficult situations. They don’t often take the time to stop and notice the positive aspects of a situation.

  A. I always give my best.

  B. Teamwork makes a team work.

  C. Additionally, negative people don’t allow others to change.

  D. Positive people view failure as an opportunity to learn and get better.

  E. They can see the good in a situation, and don’t take things for granted.

  F. If you are trying to be more positive yourself, here are 4 ways you can do so.

  G. They pay close attention when others do well, and they are quick to tell them.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两分,满分45分)



  Every day after class, I had to walk through a park to get home. In winter, the walk home was 41 cold. Even though I wore warm gloves, a hat and heavy coat, the icy wind passed through them 42 they were made of paper.

  When spring came, everything was 43 . The walk home was pleasant. The most 44 thing about walking home in spring was 45 Mr McGregor set up his ice cream cart in the park. Each day, I 46 sit at my desk in school, waiting in 47 of the time when I could leave. I was often 48 by the wait, and my teacher, Mrs Kirby, would have to 49 me for not sitting still.

  Each morning my father gave me enough money to buy 50 an ice cream at Mr McGregor’s cart. Each afternoon I would run through the 51 and stand at his cart, looking into the freezer and trying to 52 which I would have. There were so many things to choose from—ice cream sandwiches, chocolate-covered ,vanilla and ice cream bars. 53 my favorite treats of all were the banana popsicles(棒冰). They were creamy and delicious, and I always picked them 54 everything else. Mr McGregor 55 that no matter how much I pretended I might get __56 different, I’d always take a banana popsicle. He’d 57 make sure that he had 58 one in his cart for me.

  Many years have passed, but whenever I eat a banana popsicle, 59 come flooding back into my mind of the ___60 , Mr McGregor, the ice cream cart and Mrs Kirby.

  41. A. far from B. bitterly C. less than D. slightly

  42. A. since B. even if C. because D. as if

  43. A. different B. special C. similar D. strange

  44. A. practical B. helpful C. enjoyable D. useful

  45. A. whether B. when C. how D. where

  46. A. would B. could C. might D. must

  47. A. fear B. consideration C. face D. expectation

  48. A. inspired B. annoyed C. confused D. puzzled

  49. A. comfort B. tease C. discipline D. frighten

  50. A. others B. myself C. friends D. teachers

  51. A. park B. freezer C. cart D. class

  52. A. show B. decide C. ask D. explain

  53. A. Or B. Thus C. But D. So

  54. A. over B. through C. except D. from

  55. A. thought B. insisted C. realized D. knew

  56. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything

  57. A. always B. seldom C. hardly D. nearly

  58. A. not just B. at least C. more than D. at most

  59. A. ideas B. sorrows C. tears D. memories

  60. A. winter B. school C. spring D. home第II卷(非选择题)






  Research has shown that pets are good for health, and for quality of life. But not just at home, 61 appears that having a pet an help college students make the grade.

  A study done by Ohio State University found that college students could benefit from owning a cat or dog. Students who chose to live with at least a pet were 62 (likely) to report feeling lonely and depressed.

  “It is easier sometimes to go to a pet, and get 63 little hug, and you can talk to them all you want and they will sit there and listen and never get bored,” says Holly Sizemore, director of No More Homeless Pets. 64 (Animal) can also be a helpful study partner, who will not laugh if you are having trouble or give the wrong answer. “You just get so 65 (absorb) but sometimes your animal forces you to take a tiny break and think about something else, which I think 66 (be) good for the brain,” says Sizemore.

  A University of Missouri study found that when fat people 67 (give0 a dog, they lost an average 14 pounds a year, without changing their habits. Pet can also help 68 (low) stress and blood pressure.

  However, before you run down to buy a pet, make sure that pets are allowed 69 you live. And remember to think about all the costs 70 (associate) with a pet, life food and toys.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







  Welcome to Yellowstone National Park. After we begin our nature walk today, I’d like to give you a briefly introduction to our National Park Service. A National Park Service began in the late 1800s. A small group of explorers found the land now called Yellowstone and after hours of discussions, they decided that it should be accessible by everyone. Two years late, the government declared it the first one national park in the world. After that, many others areas of beautiful scenery were set aside. And in 1916 the National Park Service established to manage these parks. I’m now employed by the Service but I’m on duty at all times to answer questions and help visitors with any difficulty.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)





  3.你的地址:Rm. 358 of Dormitory No. 6 电话:07757756008









  ______________________________________ Li Hua




  1-5 ABAAB 6-10 ACCAA 11-15 BACAB 16-20 ACBCC



  21-25BAABC 26-30 BBCAC 31-35 BCADB


  36-40 FDACE



  41-45 BDACB 46-50 ADBCB 51-55 ABCDD 56.BABDB



  61. it 62. More likely 63. a 64. Animals 65. absorbed

  66. is 67. were given 68. to low 69.where 70 . associately


  第一节(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)


  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)略






