







  She said she’d have finished her exams by then. 她说那时她会已经考完试了。

  I thought Sophia would have told you something. 我想索菲娅会已告诉你一地情况。

  I thought you would have finished by now. 我想你现在一定已经干完了。

  There are a lot of things I should have liked to ask you. 有好些事我本想问你的。

  He knew by the time he arrived she would have gone home. 他知道他到时她会已经回家了。

  Well, well! Who would have guessed it! 真是的! 这谁会想到呀!

  过去将来完成时 的用法


  She said she’d have finished her exams by then. 她说那时她会已经考完试了。

  The party would have arrived by four o’clock. 这一行人将于4时前到达。

  She said she’d have finished her exams by then. 她说那时她会已经考完试了。



  I thought Sophia would have told you something. 我想索菲娅会已告诉你一地情况。

  He knew by the time he arrived she would have gone home. 他知道他到时她会已经回家。

  The day was drawing near when we would have completed the reservoir. 我们建成水库的日子不远了。

  He said he would have done with my camera by the end of next month. 他说到下月底就不用我的照相机了。

  I guessed that Mother would have made some sandwiches by the time we got back. 我猜我们回来时妈妈已经做好一些三明治了。


  若表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,此时条件从句的谓语用过去完成时(had+过去分词),而主句谓语则通常用过去完成时(would+have+过去分词),当然,主句谓语也可根据情况使用“should (could, might)+have+过去分词”。如:

  If I'd left sooner, I'd have been on time. 要是我早点动身,我就准时到了。(但我动身太迟了)

  If we had found him earlier we could have saved his life. 要是我们当时早点找到他的话,我们就可以救活他。(可惜我们找到他太晚了)

  If I had known that you were coming I would have met you at the air-port. 要是我早知道你要来的话,我就会在机场接你了。

  If he had lived, some day Michael would have done something important. 假定麦克尔当时在世的话,他本可做出了不起的事。

  If I had known how he felt, I would never have let him adopt those children. 我要是知道他的想法,我是决不会让他领养那些孩子的。

  He would have forgotten the boy’s birthday if you hadn’t reminded him. 要不是你提醒他,他会忘记这男孩的生日的。

  Our lives would have been greatly impoverished if we had not known our dear friend. 若不是得识我们这位好朋友,我们的生活一定十分不妙。

  “would + have + 过去分词”的情态用法

  would 后接完成式除用于构成过去将来完成时外,它还有其情态动词用法的一面。如:

  Only somebody with a small mind would have refused to help. 只有心胸狭窄的人才不肯帮助别人。(表推测)

  Few men would have bared their soul to a woman as he had. 很少有男人能像他一样对一个女人敞开心扉。(表怀疑)

  I’m surprised you didn’t like the film. I would have thought it was just your kind of thing. 你不喜欢这部电影,这让我感到奇怪。我本来还觉得正对你的路呢。(表过去的想法)

  My father would have driven me to Cornwall, but we decided it would be quicker by train. 父亲原本要开车送我去康沃尔,但我们还是觉得坐火车更快。(表过去的想法)

  The scar added interest to a face that otherwise would have appeared too bland. 这处伤疤为本显得平淡无奇的脸增添了些吸引力。(表示未曾发生的情况)