




  1) By desiring little, a poor man makes himself rich奢求更少,穷人也会变成富人。

  2) If the relationship doesn't make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one 如果一段感情,没有把你变成更好的人,那么很遗憾你跟错了人

  3) Every careless and inattentive person has his past being careful and attentive for someone哪个没心没肺的人,没有一段为某人掏心掏肺的曾经。

  4) It is well worth of falling love in someone,even can keep up with the unavoidable damage。 真正爱上一个人的时候,一切都那么值得,包括不可避免的伤害。

  5) 我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美 No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world

  6) Some habits, however, was to change有些习惯,无论如何都改不了。

  7) beauty is superficial, but ugly goes down to the bone 美貌固然肤浅,丑陋却能深入骨髓

  8) If you’re brave to say “good bye”, life will reward you with a new “hello” 如果你勇于对过去说“拜拜”,生活就会回赠给你一个新的“哈喽”。

  9) It doesn’t matter to be a mass of bruises, and this time I care nothing about But once is enough, because life can never afford such a heavy love 这一次,遍体鳞伤也没关系;这一次,可以什么都不在乎。但只是这一次就够了。因为生命再也承受不起这么重的爱情。

  10) I really want to talk to you, but I feel like I’m annoying you------ 真的好想跟你讲话,但又很怕你嫌我烦。


  1) If two past lovers can remain friends, it's either they were never in love or they still are ------ 如果分手的恋人还能做朋友,要不从没爱过,要不还在爱着

  2) A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book? 医生手册写道:开怀大笑,睡个好觉,此乃灵丹妙药

  3) a positive attitude will have positive results,because attitudes are contagious积极的态度会带来积极的结果,因为态度是具有感染力的。

  4) Silence is a girl's loudest cry沉默是一个女孩最大的哭声。

  5) It is never too late to fall in love爱永远不会嫌晚。

  6) 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet

  7) Don't realize too much which will let you down不要知道得太多,会难过。

  8) don't be discouraged; it's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock 别灰心,往往是最后一把钥匙才能打开锁。

  9) In the end we'll all realize that what we need isn't someone who's PERFECT, but someone who's RIGHT——到最后你会发现,我们要找的不是完美的人,而是最合适的人。

  10) You not once gave me one time to turn the head, I always in smiled actually to you你不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑。

  11) Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands,but let it go,and you learn at once how big and precious it is 你把幸福捧在手里,看似微不足道,一旦放手,你便立刻感觉到他的重要与珍贵。

  12) Being nice to someone you dislike doesn’t mean you’re a hypocritical people It means you’re mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them 能够善待不太喜欢的人,并不代表你虚伪,而意味着你内心成熟到可以容纳这些不喜欢。

  13) I can accept failure but I can't accept not trying-Michael Jordan 我可以接受失败,但绝对不能接受自己都未曾奋斗过。

  14) everything happens for a reason 这个世界,没有偶然。

  15) That's the worst part Liking someone so much and knowing he'll never feel the same way世界上最悲哀的事情是,你深深的恋上一个人,但心里却清楚得很,他不可能给你同样的回应。

  16) Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity幸运,其实就是准备遇到了机会

  17) Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on youDon‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to——不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

  18) i can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。

  19) Don't let someone become a priority in your life, when you are just an option in their life Relationships work best when they are balanced " ------- 别让某人成为你生命中的优先,当你只是他们生命中的一个选择时。人与人之间的关系只有在彼此达到平衡时,运作的最恰当。

  20) everyone has problems some are just better at hiding them than others 每个人都有自己的难处,只不过有的人不容易被发觉罢了。

  21) Love is so short, forgetting is so long爱那么短,可是遗忘那么长。

  22) Use your smile to change the world Don't let the world change your smile用你的笑容去改变这个世界,别让这个世界改变了你的笑容。

  23) I have nothing but youYou have everything but her我除了你什么都没有。你除了她什么都有。

  24) A friend who betray you in the end, is never your friend from the beginning——最终背叛你的朋友,其实一开始就不是你的朋友。

  25) He who has ability to be such a naughty guy and can be stronger more as well 有本事任性的人,也会有本事坚强






