




  ( )61. Yangli is a Grade Three student. She is interested in art. She wants to learn to draw.

  ( )62. Ted is a middle school student. He likes China and he likes Chinese history very much.

  ( )63. Mr Smith has a daughter, Lucy. Lucy’s math at school is very bad. Mr Smith is very worried.

  ( )64.Bob and his friends like playing football very much, but they often can’t find a suitable place(合适的地方)for it.

  ( )65. Zhang Hua is a student. Next year, he will go to England to study. But his English is not good.

  A. English Corner(角)

  Place: Renmin Park

  Time: 4:00-6:00 every Sunday afternoon

  You can improve your English and make friends here.

  B. Art Club

  Place: Children’s Hall

  Time: 7:00-9:00 every Saturday evening

  We have very good art teachers to teach you.

  C. Chinese History Stories

  Price: 20 yuan

  You can buy it at any bookstore. From the book, you can learn a lot about Chinese history.

  D. Happy Time Playground

  Open time:7:00-9:00 pm every weekend

  Price: 20 yuan

  Here you can play all kinds of sports.

  E. Math Lessons

  Time: 7:30-9:00 every Friday evening

  Price:700 yuan a month

  Are you weak in math? If you are, we can help you.

  F. Ping-pong Club

  Time: Every afternoon

  Place: The school gym

  Are you interested in playing ping-pong? If your answer is yes, join us!


  66. My brother wants to join the music club. (改为一般疑问句)

  _____ your brother want to join the music club?

  67. My mum’s birthday is on 7th October. (对划线部分提问)

  ______ is your mum‘s birthday?

  68. It is her new sweater. (改为复数句)

  ______ their new sweaters.

  69. Do you know Mary is from America? (否定回答)

  No, I ______.

  70. How much are these yellow socks? (改同义句)

  How much is this ______ of yellow socks?


  come, for ,well, daughter , one, have,know, banana, when, we

  Dear Tom,

  My name is Liu Yun . I’m a 12-year- old girl. I’m the only __71___ in my family. My birthday is also the National Day(国庆节). It’s the __72___day of the tenth month. My parents _73__ a party for me on that day. My friends ___74___to the party. They bring(带来) me many birthday presents(礼物),and they sing (唱) Happy Birthday to me. __75_ eat some fruit: strawberries, oranges and _76___. We eat chicken and cakes ___77__dinner. We also play games. We have a __78__time! What’s your age (年龄)? __79___is your birthday? Can you let me __80__?

  七、单词拼写题 (共10小题,计10分)


  81. Saturday and S___________ are the weekend.

  82. May is the f________ month of the year.

  83. I need a pair of shoes f________ sports in P.E. class.

  84. Let’s t_________ about the food, because Mary’s birthday is coming.

  85. This eraser is not yours. It’s m________.

  86. There are all kinds of v____________ and fruit in the market.

  87. My father likes sports, but he only w________ them on TV.

  88. This question is too d__________. We can’t do it .

  89. Grace is so nice. Her classmates r________ like her very much.

  90. Lily’s room is untidy. Her things are e_______________.



  A B

  91.What color are they? A. He is very well.

  92.Who´s this man? B. They are blue.

  93.What are these? C. They are yellow socks.

  94.Let’s play soccer. D. Yes, please.

  95.Can I help you? E. It’s under the desk.

  96.Is this your shcoolbag? F. Thank you.

  97.Where’s your math book? G. You’re welcome.

  98.The sweater looks nice on you. H. He’s my teacher.

  99.Thanks for your dictionary. I. No, it’s Lucy’s.

  100.How is your grandpa? J. That sounds boring.


  Torn: Hey, Helen.

  Helen: Yes?

  Torn: Is my computer game on the table?

  Helen: 101. ______________. It's in the bookcase.

  Torn: Oh, OK. How about my ping-pong bats? 102. ___________?

  Helen: They're on the chair. So, 103____________.

  Torn: That sounds good but my hands hurt(受伤).

  Helen: 104. _________________. How about watching ping-pong games?

  Torn: Interesting!

  Helen: 105._______________

  九、书面表达 (共1题,计10分)




  Name Frank

  Age 14

  E-mail Address Frank123

  Date of Birth January 5th

  Food apples …

  Sport basketball …

  Subject English…

  … …

  I’m a reporter Yuanyuan. Today I interview Frank, an exchange student from the USA._________________________________________



  1-5 BABCB 6-10 AAABB 11-15 BCCAC

  16-20 CCABA 21-25 AAABC

  26-30 DBDAB 31-35 BCDCC 36-40BDBBB



  66-70 Does, When, They’re, don’t, pair

  71. daughter; 72. first; 73. have; 74. come; 75. We; 76. bananas; 77. for; 78. good; 79. When; 80. know

  81.Sunday 82. fifth 83. for 84.thinks 85. mine

  86.vegetables 87.watches 88.difficult 89.really 90.everywhere

  91-100 BHCJD IEFGA

  101-105 BADCF





