




  1.A: How do you feel ?

  B: I’m happy !/ B: I’m sad !

  2. A: Do you feel happy?

  B:Yes !I feel happy.

  3.A: How do you feel?

  B:I feel sad!

  4.Touch your head!

  5. Clap your hands.

  6.Stamp your foot.

  7. Wave your arm.

  8. Shake your leg.

  9. A: Are you hot?

  B:Yes ,I’m very hot !

  10.A: How do you feel ?

  B: I feel tired !

  11. A: What colour is your hair ?

  B: My hair is black

  12. A: What colour are your eyes?

  B: My eyes are brown/ black /green/blue

  13.I hve big ears and little feet

  14.I have big feet and little ears

  15.I have long legs and short arms

  16.I have long arms and short legs

  17.A: What is he look like ?

  B:He is handsome

  18.A: What is she look like ?

  B:She is beautiful

  B:She is pretty

  19. A: Are you okay ?

  B: No I have a headache

  20. Let’s see a doctor

  21.A: Are you okay ?

  B:I feel sick ,my stomach !I have a stomache

  22.A: What’s the matter ?

  B:I cut my knee. It’s hurts.

  23. A: Are you okay ?

  B:I feel sick.I have an earache.