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    托业七大题型详解:Short Talks

  Short Talks



  In Part IV, you will hear a number of talks on the audio program. There are two, three, and sometimes four questions for each talk. The questions are written in your test booklet. There are four answer choices following each question. You have to choose the best answer to the question based on the information that you hear in the talk. Before each of the talks, there is an introductory statement.

  Examples of introductory statements:

  Questions 80 and 81 are based on the following announcement:

  Questions 93 to 96 refer to the following lecture:

  Following each talk, you'll hear instructions to answer particular questions, with eight-second pauses between each of them. (You do not have to wait for these announcements to answer the questions.)

  Because this part of the test consists of both spoken material on the tape and written questions and answer choices, it tests both listening and reading skills.

  1. The talks: The talks are all monologues -- that is, they are delivered by one speaker. They are fairly short -- most are less than one minute long.

  2. The questions: Three main types of questions are asked about the talks: overview questions, detail questions, and inference questions.

  _Overview questions require a general understanding of the lecture or of the situation in which it is given. Overview questions ask about the main idea or purpose of the lecture, or about the speaker, the audience, or the location where the talk is given. Some typical overview questions:

  Who is speaking?

  What is the purpose of the talk?

  What kind of people would probably be interested in this talk?

  What is happening in this talk?

  Where is this announcement being made?

  _Detail questions relate to specific points in the talk. They begin with question words: who, what, where, why, when, how, how much, and so on. Some ars negative questions; they ask whaat was not mentioned in the talk:

  Which of the following is NOT true about... ?

  _Inference questions require you to make a conclusion based on the information provided in the talk. These questions often contain the word probably or forms of the verbs imply or infer:

  What is probably true about... ?

  What does the speaker imply about... ?

  What can be inferred from this talk?

  3. The answer choices: All the answer choices are plausible answers to the questions, in many cases, the distractors are mentioned in the talk. Just because you hear an answer choice mentioned in the talk does not mean it is the correct answer for a particular question.



  1. Listen carefully to the introductory announcement that is given before each talk. It will tell you what kind of talk you are going to hear (an announcement or a commercial, for example) as well as which questions to look at during that talk.

  2. Always look at the questions as the talk is being given on the audio program. Do not look away or close your eyes in order to concentrate on the spoken material. You must focus on both the talk and the written questions.

  3. Because the questions ars written out, you can use them to focus your listening for particular information.

  4. Do not mark your answer sheet while the talk is going on, even if you know the answer. The act of answering a question may cause you to miss the information you need to answer the question or questions that follow.

  5. Do not wait for the speaker on the audio program to instruct you to answer the questions. In fact, you should ignore those announcements. Begin answering as soon as the talk is over, and answer all the questions related to that talk as soon es you can. If you have a few seconds left before the next talk begins, preview the next few questions in your test booklet.

  6. Never continue working on the questions about one talk after another

  talk has begun.

  7. If you are not sure of an answer, eliminate unlikely choices and then guess.

  8. Always answer each question. Never leave any blanks.

  _Testing Points and Skill-Building Exercises

  A. Public Announcements

  B. News, Weather, and Public Service Bulletins

  C. Commercial Messages

  D. Business Talks

  E. Recorded Messages


  The US then concentrated on bullying its poor neighbors in Central America and the Caribbean, meddling in the affairs of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama and Grenada. The collapse of the Soviet Bloc's 'Evil Empire' in 1991 left the US as the world's sole superpower, and the Gulf War in 1992 gave George Bush the opportunity to lead a coalition supposedly representing a 'new world order' into battle against Iraq. Domestic matters, such as health reform, gun ownership, drugs, racial tension, gay rights, balancing the budget, the tenacious Whitewater scandal and the Monica Lewinsky 'Fornigate' affair tended to overshadow international concerns during the Clinton administration. In a bid to kickstart its then-ailing economy, the USA signed NAFTA, a free-trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, in 1993, invaded Haiti in its role of upholder of democracy in 1994, committed thousands of troops to peacekeeping operations in Bosnia in 1995, hosted the Olympics in 1996 and enjoyed, over the past few years, the fruits of a bull market on Wall St. The 2000 presidential election made history by being the most highly contested race in the nation's history.

  The Democratic candidate, Al Gore, secured the majority of the popular vote but lost the election when all of Florida’s electoral college votes went to George W Bush, who was ahead of Gore in that state by only 500 votes. Demands for recounts, a ruling by the Florida Supreme Court in favor of partial recounts, and a handful of lawsuits generated by both parties were brought to a halt when the US Supreme Court split along party lines and ruled that all recounts should cease. After five tumultuous weeks, Bush was declared the winner. The early part of Bush’s presidency saw the US face international tension, with renewed violence in the Middle East, a spy-plane standoff with China and nearly global disapproval of US foreign policy with regard to the environment. On the domestic front, a considerably weakened economy provided challenges for national policymakers. Whether the US can continue to hold onto its dominant position on the world stage and rejuvenate its economy remains to be seen


  mild winter 暖冬

  rain cloud 雨云

  photochemical smog 光化学烟雾

  scorching 酷热的

  snowstorm 暴风雪

  sizzling (水滚热时的)

  summery 夏季的

  taper off 逐渐停止

  tropical depression 热带低气压

  typhoon area 台风圈

  visibility 可见度

  warm current 暖流

  weather station 气象台

  weatherperson 天气预报员

  wintry 冬天般的

  shape up 成型,发展

  fair sky 美丽的天空

  spell 意味着

  muggy 闷热的

  precipitation 雨

  Toeic Vocabulary- travel

  line 铁路线

  passenger car 客车厢

  freight car 货车厢

  dining car 餐车厢

  conductor 乘务员

  express train 快车

  local train 慢车

  junction 列车枢纽站

  transfer 转乘

  on/behind/ahead of schedule 准时/晚点/提前

  humidity 湿度

  atmospheric pressure 气压

  flood 洪水

  avalanche 雪崩

  Antarctic 南极

  Arctic 北极

  be spawned 发生(台风等)

  blast of cold air 冷空气来袭

  central barometric reading 中心气压

  chill 寒气的

  cold wave 寒流

  crisp 舒爽的

  exploration 探险队

  heat wave breaks 热浪消失

  heavy fog 浓雾

  Meteorological Agency 气象局

  non-stop 直达车

  on board 乘(船、飞机等)

  opposite side 相反方向

  out-of-court settlement 庭外和解

  out-of-service train 回程车

  overbook 超过既定预约人数

  passenger jetliners 喷气式客机

  derail 脱轨

  reconfirmation 再确认

  service charge 服务费

  subway 地铁

  trespass in national airspace 侵犯领空

  trek 长途跋涉之旅

  shower 阵雨

  storm 暴风雨

  rainstorm 雨暴

  rainfall 降雨量

  rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

  hail 冰雹

  lightening rod 避雷针

  fog 雾

  sleet 雨夹雪

  heavy showfall 大雪

  blizzard 大风雪

  breeze 微风

  tornado 龙卷风

  wind velocity 风速

  temperature 气温

  thermometer 温度计

  back round trip ticket 返程票

  crew 机组成员

  cumulonimbus 积雨云

  currency exchange 货币兑换

  departures 处罚航班

  evacuate 撤退

  go off on a trip 外出旅行

  have tires punctured 爆胎

  intersection 交叉路口

  non-refundable 不可退款的












  简略式:N1 + OF +N2

  AS的后面可以跟一个从句的。例如:AS GOOD AS SHE IS.等。
















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